Goddamit, JoJo

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often times, I feel like I'm falling in an ocean with chains wrapped around me so I can't swim out. The ocean never has an end, it's just a deep black void that never stops. I scream, cry, and plead for someone. Anyone. But no one hears me. The longer I fall the blacker it gets, the colder it gets. Pain consumes me as I struggle to get up. The more I struggle the harder it gets to breathe and...

The more I feel my heart break


Kakyoin practically threw himself on his bed. If he hadn't been holding Jouta he would have actually thrown himself. Jotaro soon came in, he sat next to Kakyoin. He had a smile threatening to burst out. Kakyoin turned to him smiling. He sat up a bit, "do you want to hold him? You haven't really seen him yet." Jotaro looked at the small baby wrapped in a blanket before nodding.

Kakyoin's smile grew brighter as he handed the baby to his father. Jotaro looked at his child curiously. Jouta shifted, making a small noise. "Doesn't he look just like you?" Noriaki commented, smiling as much as his mouth could allow him. Jotaro nodded, "well except your eyes...his look like Joseph's." Jotaro looked at his child once more before handing him back to Kakyoin.

The redhead gladly took his child and snuggled with him, the baby made another noise, this time he opened his eyes a little. Jotaro got a small glimpse of them and Kakyoin was right, he had Joseph's same eye color but he had the same look in his eyes as Jotaro.

Kakyoin squeezed his baby one more time before placing him in their bed. "Wait. Nori?" Kakyoin hummed in response. "Is that my mother's sweater?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah. She gave it to me cause my own shirt got ruined." Kakyoin calmly told his fiancé. Jotaro just nodded in response. Kakyoin sighed a bit, he looked at his sleeping baby once more before taking "his" sweater. The shirt under lifted up as he pulled the other one off. The first thing Jotaro noticed about Kakyoin's stomach was the long huge scar that looked fresh.

Jotaro almost went into a panic, Kakyoin noticed his fiancé looking at him, he let out a small sigh. "It's nothing. Trust me, don't worry about it."

Jotaro's uneasiness didn't go away but he dropped it. Kakyoin finally laid down and curled next to his baby. "Can he sleep with us tonight? I wanna spend more time with him." Jotaro nodded and got in bed with his fiancé and his new baby.


Kakyoin woke up to screaming. It was coming from downstairs. He looked over at Jouta to see if had woken up, he hadn't. He picked him up and carried him to his actual room. He placed him in his crib. He watched over his baby for another minute before walking over to the top of the stairwell to hear what was happening. His eyes widen when he heard the conversation.

It was Jotaro and Jolyne arguing. Jolyne sounded like she was about to cry but Jotaro didn't seem to realize the slight change in her voice. "Jolyne it's my job. I have to go. Why the fuck don't you understand that." "No, you don't understand-!"

Jotaro cut her off with something Kakyoin couldn't hear. Then everything seemed to stop for a minute. Then loud, fast footsteps were heard and Jolyne ran past Kakyoin and into her room. A small click was heard from the other side, signaling that she locked it.

Jotaro soon came up looking for Jolyne, to which Kakyoin responded with "she's in her room" Jotaro let out an annoyed sigh. He silently cursed himself. "Jotaro...what happened? Jolyne doesn't really cry."

Jotaro was silent he didn't really want to answer. "I got a phone call from work and she overheard it. We talked about the situation and we broke out into an argument. I...ended up saying something I shouldn't have and well here we are." Kakyoin let out a shaky sigh. He was scared. Really scared. "Jotaro, what was the call about?"

Nothing filled the room. Both people got quiet. Jotaro turned so that he wasn't looking at Kakyoin. "I have to leave the country for a while. In other words, it's a business trip." Silence was the room's best friend at this moment. Then a sharp inhale was heard, it came from Kakyoin.

Water fills my lungs, and I slowly feel like I'm dying. More chains wrap around me, pulling me down further into the deep ocean. I gave up on calling. No one is going to save me from myself.


Kakyoin sat in the living, with Jouta. The small baby was playing with Kakyoin's hair, which of course he didn't mind. He was currently trying to sketch something when Jolyne walked in. "Mr. Nori." Kakyoin jumped at the formalness. Jolyne hadn't called him that in nine years. He nodded a bit, still, a bit shook. "Of course." Jolyne let out a sigh, she was regretting she was going to do next.

"May I go outside? I just want to go out for a walk." Kakyoin looked at the clock, checking the time. He slowly nodded, "yeah, sure. Just be home in about an hour." Jolyne thanked him and was about to walk out the door when Kakyoin stopped her.

"Wait, do you want to go alone? I know I'm taking care of Jouta and everything but I don't want you getting hurt or anything and it would be my fault." Jolyne felt her heart break. Regret filled the empty place in her chest. She shook her head no, "I...I just want some time to myself right now. I hope that's okay."

Kakyoin chuckled a bit, "it's perfectly okay. I completely understand. Just make sure that you don't get into trouble."

I feel so fucking numb

"I won't."

I'm sorry

Jolyne walked out of the house. She took a deep breath and headed towards the place where she would ruin her life.

Nori, I am so sorry.

Time passed. An hour had passed. Kakyoin nervously checked the clock, she wasn't home. He called Jotaro, who wasn't able to call back due to the fact he was at work. He grabbed Jouta and started looking for her.

I'm a disappointment. I don't deserve someone as great as you in my life.

Jotaro got another call. He originally was going to ignore it considering he wasn't supposed to answer calls when he saw the caller ID. It was the police.


"...what? She what?!"

You deserve a better daughter.

Jotaro rushed home. Work didn't matter right now. The door slammed open. The loud sound woke Jouta up, he cried a bit. Kakyoin scooped the small baby in his arms. It instantly calmed the baby down.

He ran downstairs to see what the problem was. "Jotaro, hon, what's wrong?" Jotaro looked around. "Where the fuck did Jolyne go?" Kakyoin's heart dropped. He realized the mistake he made. "Please don't tell me...she said she was going to take a walk."

Jotaro punched the wall, "Goddamnit!" Kakyoin jumped, fear filled his eyes. Jotaro saw it and calmed down a bit. "...Jotaro...where's Jolyne?"

"She's in fucking jail."

Everything stopped. I feel nothing. I see nothing. I'm at the bottom of the ocean. With nothing but me and my pain.

The Man With The Eyes Of The Ocean (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now