Caught up in a rush, it's killing you.

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I love anyone who gets that reference.


Holly almost choked when she heard the news, she and everyone else was in complete shock. "What?!" Holly questioned, hoping she didn't hear it right. Kakyoin nodded. "I wish I was lying." Everyone was completely speechless. Holly felt sick to her stomach, Jolyne was a sweet, adorable, innocent girl. She didn't want to believe Jolyne would commit a crime. "Oh...Nori...I'm so so sorry. I didn't think Jolyne such a thing." Kakyoin sighed, "neither did I we are I guess."

Joseph placed a hand on Kakyoin's shoulder, squeezing it slightly. "Hey, it'll work out, I promise." "Mr. Joestar is right. Just talk to her and see what the problem is." Kakyoin smiled, "yeah...thank you, all of you."


Kakyoin ended up walking back to his house. He could have asked Jotaro for a ride but he needed the fresh air. It calmed him down a little bit. It prepared for the shit storm approaching. Minutes felt like seconds and before he knew it he was in front of his door. He already heard the screaming from the house. Kakyoin hesitantly opened the door.

As soon as he walked in, Jolyne and Jotaro stopped arguing. Jotaro's expression softened while Jolyne's morphed into a bigger look of spite. "And you!" Jolyne started, by the tone of her voice, he could tell she was about to scream at him. He just stood and took it.

"You're also a very big reason why I  went to jail-!"

"Hey, don't fucking take it out on him, he did absolutely nothing-"

"Yes, he fucking did! He knows damn well why we're in this fucking situation and did he nothing about it. Both of you are fucking assholes!" Was her final statement before storming to her room.

I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean it.

Kakyoin was taken aback by that comment, Jolyne had never cursed. The redhead wasn't sure how to feel about that statement. He wasn't sure whether to be completely furious because she just insulted him or to be in complete anguish because the little girl he's known for nine years probably hates him. He felt like crying.

As much as he didn't want to admit, she was right. He did know what the problem was and he didn't do anything about it. It wasn't like he didn't want to because he did, he felt the same way she did but he didn't know how to resolve it. In fact, he was torn about it. He didn't really know what to do.

When Jolyne went away he punched the wall as hard as he could, causing a massive hole. Kakyoin jumped, he didn't expect Jotaro to do that. Kakyoin sighed a little. He looked to the other side.

Jotaro pulled his now, bloodied fist, out if the wall and turned to Kakyoin. "What the fuck happened with Jolyne?" It sounded more like a demand than a question. "...Well..." Kakyoin started, still looking away from Jotaro, he really didn't want to look at him.

"...She hates it when you leave and she feels like you value your job more than her and..she wanted your attention..." The redhead closed his eyes and continued, "I didn't say anything because I didn't know how to tell you. I know how much you like your job and how much you would hate to put it at risk by taking to many days off but I should've at least told you about her feelings before thinking about your job being at risk...that's a horrible way to phrase it, I-...I'm sorry."

Jotaro was quiet. Kakyoin didn't bother to look at him, he was scared to see his face. Time seemed like it stopped and soon Kakyoin had enough. Without looking at Jotaro he pushed past him and up to where Jolyne was. What scared Kakyoin the most was the fact that Jotaro didn't move the slightly when Kakyoin pushed by him. He just stood still.

Kakyoin knocked softly at Jolyne's door. There was no answer but he could tell he heard her considering he heard mumbles, that sounded like a stream of curse words most likely directed to him.

Kakyoin leaned on the door, "I would hate me too if I were you. I knew about what you were going through and I could've stopped it but I didn't. I should have valued your feelings first. I want to make up for it, please."

Silence. It consumed the room. Kakyoin waited. He waited to see if he could get anything and he did. He heard a small click from the other side and the door pushed open, enough to suggest that she wanted him to come in.

Kakyoin took the hint and walked in. His heart ached when he walked in. Everything was a mess. The biggest mess in the room, however, was Jolyne. Her eyes were all red and puffy, there were tear stains covering her cheeks and her eyes were bloodshot. Kakyoin sighed. He sat next to Jolyne on her bed, he opened his mouth to say something when Jolyne attacked him with a hug. She buried her face in his stomach and began crying in it. This felt all too familiar.

Kakyoin placed a hand on her hair, running his through, the best he could anyway. "'s okay..." Jolyne sobs grew louder, "no it isn't-!...I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have yelled at you...or  dad I was just-"

"Shh...just breathe. That doesn't matter now, what matters is right now." Jolyne just sobbed louder and harder. "It's okay...everything will be okay. Trust me."

At that moment Jotaro walked in, he went to Jolyne and apologized, for everything.

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