Stay with me while we grow old

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Though it was a little awkward at first for Kakyoin, he got used to being at Joseph's house as well as Caesar. The redhead mostly stayed with Jotaro on one of the couches, as they caught up. Holly was mostly in the other room, piquing Kakyoin's interest.

She finally came back into the other room and tapped Jotaro on the shoulder whispering something in his ear that Kakyoin couldn't make out. Jotaro nodded and left to go in the other room, leaving Kakyoin alone with Holly, who sat on the other side of him. Kakyoin turned to Holly, asking about Jotaro. She only smiled and told him, "well there's someone that Jotaro and I want to introduce you to" her voice as cheerful as ever. She soon left after Caesar called her for something.

Jotaro finally came back with a small child holding his hand, he brought her to the couch, lifting her so that Kakyoin could see her properly. Jotaro cleared his throat and looked away from his boyfriend, "this is Jolyne, she's my...daughter" he whispered the last part. Kakyoin tilted his head in confusion, "she's your what? I didn't catch the last part." Jotaro sighed, "she's my daughter..." his voice still quiet. "What? You're too quiet, I can't really hear-" "my daughter!" The taller man half screamed. Earning the attention of the other men, Kakyoin just stared at her. 

He wasn't mad like Jotaro expected, he thought that the redhead would take it the wrong way or something, despite Jolyne looking like her age, which at the time was four.  Of course, the others, Avdol and Polnareff, hadn't heard about Jolyne yet so they also questioned him. "Look, long story short back in my second year of high school, I met this woman who didn't annoy the shit outta me...and it kinda just happened. I don't really want to explain it in front of my mother-" that's when he noticed that they weren't listening, they were looking at Kakyoin.  Jotaro dared to turn his head and stared in awe. 

Jolyne was on Kakyoin's lap, playing with his hair whilst calling it soft, he, on the other hand, was playing childish games with her. It shocked everyone that the redhead was being like this, considering the whole mannish boy incident. At that moment, Holly, Caesar, and Joseph walked in on the scene. Holly adored the sight, Caesar didn't really have a reaction to it, and Joseph, like the others, was shocked. 

Jotaro smiled slightly, "you two seem to get along nicely" Kakyoin chuckled, "God, I wish she was my daughter..." Jotaro paused for a moment, "she will be soon..." it took Kakyoin a minute to take in what Jotaro just said, "...what?" "Nothing." Kakyoin cocked an eyebrow, still curious. He decided to drop it and go back to playing with Jolyne. 


Everybody but Jolyne stayed up till 2 o clock, Jolyne, of course, went to sleep early, not because she had to, she just ended up falling asleep on her own. Her and Kakyoin had been playing the entire time and she started to grow fond of him which worked in Jotaro's favor, considering what he was planning for later. She ended up falling asleep on Kakyoin as well; her head in his lap. After she fell asleep was when things got wild. Almost everyone got drunk, Holly and Kakyoin were the only ones who didn't. They just sat on the couch and talked while Kakyoin finished his last-minute present for Joseph and Caesar. 

Eventually, everyone's drinking became too much and Holly got tired of it. She forced everyone to sober up, by making them take a thirty-minute nap. So it was just the two of them, which gave them time to prepare their gifts for everyone. Kakyoin also had to make something last minute for Jolyne, it ended up being simple but he figured she'd still like it. It was past 12 by the time everyone woke up, they were all really tired but they couldn't back to sleep for the time being, so they just stayed up. Considering it was now Christmas, they all decided to exchange gifts to one and other.

Because I'm uncreative at the moment, imma just skip everyone else and go to Kakyoin's turn to give everyone shit because he's the only one I planned for. 

"I want to give you your gift last, Nori, so you can go now." And with that, it was Kakyoin's turn for gifting. "Well, Mrs. Holly I've already given you your gift-" that last part made everyone curious since Holly hadn't mentioned to anyone else, so people questioned it. All that she said was, "oh, it was just a necklace." Her response only made everyone even more curious, and they started asking what it looked like. By that time Kakyoin had helped Holly put the necklace on so she was now wearing it, but it was covered a scarf she was wearing that she never bothered to take off. 

She finally took off her scarf and revealed her rose necklace, Polnareff recognized it and smiled, everyone else was amazed by it and how beautiful it was. Kakyoin started again, "Avdol, I'll give your present first." Kakyoin went off to where his stuff was, grabbing the bag where he had everyone presents. As he said before,  Avdol was first. Kakyoin brought out a small box and handed it to Avdol. 

Avdol lifted the top and smiled gently. Inside the box were a bunch of gemstones all of different colors. "I remembered how you said that you were currently studying Lithomancy, so I got you some of the stones used for Lithomancy." "Thank you, Kakyoin. I'm surprised you even remembered." Kakyoin just smiled, "now...Polnareff. It might not be much, but I figured you might like it." Kakyoin dug back into the bag and pulled out a copy of "The Bad News Bears" handing it to him, making him gasp. "I know that your original copy got broken, so right before Mrs. Holly and I got here, I went to the store to get you a new one. I hope it's the right movie, I wasn't exactly paying attention when you said what your favorite movie was." 

Polnareff smiled, "merci beaucoup, and oui, you got it right" Polnareff chuckled at the last part. Kakyoin turned to Joseph and Caesar, "I'm not sure if you guys are going to like it or not but it took me a long time to make, so here you go Mr. Joestar and Mr. Zeppeli-Joestar." Kakyoin reached over Jolyne to get the gift, considering he put it behind her and handed it to the married couple. What he had just given them was a large painting. On the painting, was a replication of one of their wedding photos. "I rushed a little bit, so it might not be my best work, I still hope you like it though." 

The married couple just stared at the painting, in awe. "Noriaki..." Joseph started but couldn't find the words to finish his sentence. Kakyoin looked away, afraid that they wouldn't like it. "It's...beautiful" Caesar finished for his husband. Kakyoin smiled slightly then turned to Jotaro. "I wanted to give my gift last as well Jotaro. So do you want to go first or do you want me to?" Jotaro let out a shaky sigh, "I'll go first, but, I want to give this to you outside." Kakyoin smiled and agreed. Jotaro guided Kakyoin outside, considering he wouldn't able to find it by himself. "So..." Kakyoin awkwardly commented. Jotaro chuckled a bit before clearing his throat. 

A small warning, this next part is most likely going to be shit because I'm not good with writing this, cause this is my second time writing something like this and that first time was pure shit.

"Noriaki Kakyoin. We've only been dating for 2 years, but in these years I can't describe to you how happy you've made me. You're one of the few people that I actually want to be around and you don't annoy the absolute shit out of me. What I want to say is, Nori I love you so much." Was the last thing he said before getting down on one knee and pulling out a black box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal a ring, "I want to spend my life you, Nori. I want to stay with you until I'm on death's bed. In other words, Nori, will you marry me?" 

Kakyoin just stood there, getting ready to cry. Even though Jotaro kept hinting at it, Kakyoin didn't expect this, or at least not today. Before he knew it tears were streaming down his face. He stood there crying for what seemed like forever. Finally, the redhead nodded his in response. The larger man smiled before placing the ring on his new fiancé's finger. Kakyoin instantly hugged him, as well as attacking his cheek with kisses, making Jotaro's smile wider. Jotaro pulled Kakyoin into an actual kiss, to which the redhead gladly excepted. Once they pulled away, Kakyoin sighed sadly. 


"It's just...I sorta feel bad now"

"For what?"

"My gift to you is you isn't as special as the one you just gave me..." 

"I'm sure I'll still enjoy it a lot, what is it?" 

Kakyoin pulled out his phone and looked for the picture. "I have the real thing on me but since we're outside I'll just show you a picture of it." He finally showed Jotaro the picture, the noirette's eyes widened at the sight. "It's the second time I've ever drawn you...I would've given you the first but-" "Nori it's beautiful. And it is special, after all, you made it yourself." Kakyoin smiled, before kissing his fiancé's cheek.

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