Go on, wear that scarlet letter

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i want to marry whoever gets that reference 


Joseph and Caesar's relationship wasn't the same after that night. They tried their best to act like nothing was wrong but there was, Caesar was still hurt. There was a big tension between the two that could never be broken or at least at the time. Of course, they tried to break it but it just made it worse. Everyone noticed it, especially Holly. They all noticed that the two weren't the same. Caesar didn't constantly yell at Joseph or call him an idiota.

 He wasn't really himself, neither was Joseph he wasn't his perky or smart-ass self. It concerned Holly greatly. After all, she knew them more than anyone did. She was scared that her parents were planning on splitting up. The thought invaded her mind, causing her to fall into visible despair. Nobody asked about the problems the couple was facing. Avdol and Jotaro didn't want to invade their privacy, Kakyoin and Holly didn't want to be rude, and everyone told Polnareff to not ask them. Even though Polnareff was told not to ask the couple about, he did anyways. 


Holly wanted to have 'family' get together, so she called up everyone to come over. Kakyoin, Jotaro, and Jolyne were the first to arrive. When they got there, Holly was a bit off. She seemed sad. They didn't bring it up and just continued on.

Avdol and Polnareff were the second group to arrive at the Kujo's house, they as well noticed Holly's attitude change. Polnareff was going to bring it up but Avdol shut that down real quick. Despite all the changes in attitude, everything was going pretty okay.

Polnareff's interest piqued when he noticed Joseph and Caesar weren't interacting with each other. He couldn't help himself and he went over to Caesar who was in a different room than everyone.

"Mr. Zeppeli?" Caesar jumped a little, not expecting to be called by his original last name or just be called at all. He already knew who it was by the French accent. "Ah, Polnareff. I didn't expect you." Polnareff just laughed awkwardly in response. 

"Uh, yeah. Um, Mr. Zeppeli-"

"Please, just call me Caesar." Polnareff nodded. "Well, I came here to ask you something." Caesar just hummed in response, Polnareff huffed, already regretting what he was about it do. "I wanted to ask...why are you and Mr. Joestar so distant?"

Caesar's expression changed almost immediately. He looked away from Polnareff, "he cheated on me." Caesar told him bluntly causing Polnareff to choke. "Quel?!"

Caesar nodded, "with a woman too." Polnareff was about to say something when something else hit him. He let an out an audible "oh God" Caesar cocked his eyebrow, in curiosity. "I...think I know that woman." Caesar's heart dropped. "...what?" Polnareff nodded.

"well...I was with Mr. Joestar and Avdol but the two left, leaving me by myself and Mr. Joestar left his phone and well a woman called him. I answered it as a joke but once she started talking, it sorta sounded like she was his mistress or something."

"How so...?"

"Well...she was talking about how much she loved him and how much she enjoyed being with him and that she couldn't wait to see him, stuff like that."

Caesar went silent. "When was this?" Polnareff thought. "Umm...a week ago I think, but I don't think Mr. Joestar is still cheating you-"

Caesar didn't even listen to that last part. He was fucking mad. Before Polnareff could finish his sentence Caesar rushed out of the room he was in, to where Joseph. Holly was the first to see him. She smiled, happy to see him but when she looked closely at her face changed almost immediately, "padre..?"

Kakyoin, Jotaro, and Avdol were all talking to Joseph so when Caesar stomped over to him, they all saw him. Avdol and Jotaro instantly noticed. However, Joseph didn't. The Joestar gave him his classical goofy smile and tried hugging him. Caesar slapped the absolute shit out of him when Joseph got near him,  leaving a nasty bruise. Everyone looked at Caesar in shock.

"You lying piece of shit! I knew you were still seeing that fucking whore!"


"Don't fucking what me!"

Holly watched her parents in horror as they continued to argue. Joseph tried to tell Caesar that he wasn't still seeing someone but Caesar wasn't listening he just continued to scream and curse him out. Jolyne, who was sleeping on Kakyoin's lap woke up in the middle of it but Kakyoin covered her ears and told her to go back to sleep.

Before she knew Caesar was gone. Joseph went out to go look for him, but he came back with nothing. Polnareff soon came back into the room where everyone was to find a clearly distressed Joseph and a crying Holly.

This chapter was suggested by illegalMemer, sorry it took me so long to write i didn't really know how to write it, but i think i did semi-good. Despite my troubles with this i did really enjoyed writing this. i also had to change somethings from the original, i hope thats ok^^

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