Admitting Mistakes

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tw: anxiety attack


Kakyoin instantly recognized that voice. It was Jotaro. The redhead panicked. He didn't know what to do or say. He just wanted to stay in Hierophant's protection. His breath became heavy, as time went on his breathing got heavier and heavier until it turned into hyperventilating. "Noriaki." Now he sounded angry. "Mr. Nori? Are you okay?" Kakyoin didn't answer, instead, he began to violently shake. His heartbeat started going up, dangerously fast. He felt a lump in his throat that made it hard to breathe, his hyperventilating turned into choking. Nausea soon swept over him and before he knew it, 

Everything stopped.


Kakyoin laid there. He was awake but he just didn't want to open his eyes. He wanted to use his hearing to figure out where he was. As soon as he heard a heart monitor, he knew exactly where he was. In a hospital. He slightly remembered what happened, he was with Jolyne talking about his cuts and he thought Jotaro heard what had been said causing him to have an anxiety attack. He assumed he just passed out, so why was he in the hospital? He wanted to stay like this to get a better understanding of what was going on. He heard voices, familiar voices. 

"Grandma, is Mr. Nori gonna be okay?" Jolyne. 

A soft sigh escaped the other person's lips, they sounded like a woman. "Of course Mio Tesoro, he just passed out, that's all" Holly. 

Another sigh was heard, this time it sounded like a man. "This is all my fault...I shouldn't have yelled at him or even gotten mad." Jotaro. He sounded...distressed

"No, don't blame yourself. If anything I'm the one to blame, I shouldn't have taken him out of the country without telling you or anyone else." ...Polnareff. 

"Well, then I should be blamed too. I should be the most responsible one out of all of us. I should've told someone. We wouldn't be in this mess if I didn't forget almost everything" 

"Mio Amore, don't be so hard on yourself, you didn't do anything wrong." Caesar. 

"Well, actually, it's nobody's fault. Polnareff, you just weren't thinking and or got excited about what you were planning to do in New York that you forgot, trust me, it happens to almost everyone. Mrs. Holly, you're getting a little older and you're losing your memory a little more, it really can't be helped. Your father is right you didn't do anything wrong. And Jotaro as much as you might not want to believe me, it isn't your fault either. Nobody here can blame you for being upset when he came home. Whether you handled it healthily or not, is up to you but everyone here would've been like you, angry. Yes, you could've maybe expressed your concern/anger a little better, but you too did nothing wrong. If it makes you feel better, I got upset at Polnareff and it ended up in an argument, but it got better. It'll be like that with Noriaki." Avdol...

"Avdol is right. All of you are being too hard on yourselves. I get it, trust me, but beating yourselves up isn't going to help anything. It just makes it worse." Joseph.

Kakyoin heard enough, he slowly opened his eyes which caught the attention of Holly, who was sitting in front of him. Jolyne was laying her head in her lap, who also noticed him wake up. She jolted up and before the other woman could say that Kakyoin was up, Jolyne looked up at him and gasp in excitement. That made everyone look up at the redhead, "Noriaki!" the group said in unison.

He got hugs from almost everyone, as well as lots of "are you okay?"s. It was very overwhelming. Jotaro at of all of them was the most affectionate, which wasn't shocking. During the entire conversation, he stayed close to the redhead.

Kakyoin soon found out that the reason why he was in the hospital was because his muscles had ripped from his cuts due to pressure on his arm. They didn't explain where the pressure came from, but he lost a lot of blood. That was why everyone was scared.

Kakyoin just sighed. He didn't want to know what awaited him when he would go back home.


The car ride home was different. Holly offered to take them and they accepted, but it wasn't how it usually was. Normally, everyone would be talking, laughing, smiling, and having a great time. But, it was dead silent. No one even muttered a word. The only thing that could be heard was their breathing.

Kakyoin was scared to go home. He thought that Jotaro would yell at him and Kakyoin would have another anxiety attack and they'd be in this same situation. He sharply inhaled, gaining the attention of everyone in the car, "Nori, dear, are you alright?" Holly's voice was soft and quiet. Besides the, "yeah" response that Kakyoin gave her, she was the only words to talk during the ride.


As soon as the family got home, Jolyne immediately went up to her room, not saying a thing to her parents. They didn't object. Jotaro turned to the redhead, "hey, Noriaki, can we talk?"

Oh god no

His heart dropped at the last part. He already knew what would happen. He wanted to say "no" but his body moved on its own and he nodded.

The two went up to their room and sat down on their bed, several inches away from each other. Kakyoin just stared at his lap, refusing to look at his fiancé. Jotaro sighed. "Noriaki, I'm sorry about what I said to you a couple of days ago. I honestly didn't mean to be so aggressive to you. Work stress compared with you being gone really put my emotions insane. I know that's not an excuse and I really shouldn't have yelled at you but-"

Jotaro was stopped by a hug, from Kakyoin. Jotaro paused for a second, before hugging him back. Kakyoin kissed his fiancé's cheek, "no, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left without saying something and then get upset when you got upset. Is there anything I could do to make it up to you?"

Jotaro was about to counter what Kakyoin said until something popped into his head. He smiled slightly before nodding.

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