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No, I'm not canceling the story


"I'm sorry..."

Holly sighed, "Sweetheart, I told you that it was okay. I understand your stress. I had to tell my dads that I was Pregnant once and you alright know how one of them took it"

Kakyoin chuckled. "Mr. Joestar, I'm going to assume?" Holly smiled, "mhm" Kakyoin couldn't help but laugh again. Holly understood, which worked in Kakyoin’s favor.


Jotaro came back home several hours later after the whole pregnant ordeal. He immediately went up to his room to find his fiancé curled up in a fetal position. Jotaro couldn't help smile a bit. He made his way over to the bed and sat down next to his cherry. He started to run his hands through the redhead's hair, making him jump.

The pregnant man turned to see none other than his dream boy, Jotaro. Kakyoin's face lit up as he saw the noirette. He lifted his head and placed it into Jotaro's lap. The older man had no objections, so he went along with it. He just continued to play with the redhead's hair.

Kakyoin shifted so that his face was now buried in Jotaro's stomach. His face went scantily red, luckily enough his hat covered his it.

"You smell nice..."

"What?" He chuckled nervously

"You smell really nice."

"Nori, I reek of Tobacco. I'm pretty sure that's one of the worse smells you could smell. You, on the other hand, smell nice"

"I know, but every time (I close my eyes-) the scent of tobacco is around me I can't help but feel...calm. It's oddly relaxing, maybe because of you."

Jotaro paused, Kakyoin cringed a little at the silence. At moments like this, he hated himself for making a "fool" of himself. Jotaro stayed silent for a moment longer before lightly huffing, "Nori, I don't think that inhaling tobacco is a good idea for right now. It'll most likely hurt the child."

Kakyoin sighed a little bit. He looked down at his stomach, poking it a bit. Jotaro noticed and started to rub the small bump on his abdomen. Kakyoin gasped, surprised, not expecting it.

"Oh, did you not-"

"No, it's okay. You're fine."

He looked back at the redhead's stomach, sighing. "Three months, ey?" Kakyoin nodded.

"I really just would've said something."

"I'm sorry..." He felt a little guilty.

"You apologize way too much"


Jotaro chuckled before kissing the redhead's forehead, earning a smile from him. He sighed a little, whilst pulling his head up from his fiancé's stomach. "Can...I ask you something?"


"It's about our wedding...don't take this the wrong way. Can we...cancel it? It's not that I don't want to marry you because I do. It's just that I want to wait after the child is born. I feel like it would be better."

There was a long pause from Jotaro. Kakyoin felt horrible again but this time, it felt worse than any contraction he's had. He knew that Jotaro wanted to get married for a while now and because of him not being careful they have to wait.

Jotaro stayed quiet. Kakyoin was about to say something until Jotaro finally responded, "it's fine Nori. I understand." Kakyoin just buried his face in Jotaro's lap, not wanting to look at his expression. Jotaro huffed a little, Kakyoin pressed his face harder in Jotaro's lap, really not trying to look at his face.

"Hey, calm down. You're going to suffocate yourself." Kakyoin lifted his head up, turning his head away from Jotaro. They stayed like this a little longer until Jotaro picked him up and placed him back in the spot that he was when he first arrived. "Where are you-"

"I'm gonna work a bit. I really need to finish it up. I'll come back when I'm tired"

Kakyoin sighed and curled up. He felt like crying again.

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