Getting fitted

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The trio cursed themselves for their mistake. They already knew the outcome of this. They were getting yelled at. Polnareff was gonna get it worse than everyone else. He was going to get yelled at the most. First, it was going to be Avdol, telling him that he was worried and that he should have told him that he was going out of the country. Then, most likely Jotaro calling him a dumbass and that he shouldn't have forgotten. After that, Joseph and Caesar screaming about how he took their daughter out of the country without them knowing. And they'll all probably going to yell at him at one point.

Polnareff groaned. He shifted in his chair slightly. "I'm starting to regret this."

"So am I, Pol." Kakyoin joined in.


The ride and plane ride there was exhausting. As soon as they got to America, they book a hotel to stay at for the night. They were all too tired and just couldn't really function. They each got separate rooms to make it less weird for them. They all pasted out as soon as they got into the room.


Kakyoin woke up to a loud knock at the door. He shifted and sighed. He wanted more sleep. He figured he could let whoever it was could wait a minute. "Nori! C'mon, we're about to head out." That was Holly's voice. He sighed, "I'll be out in a second..." His voice slurred at the last part, he was still excruciatingly tired.

He put on the sweatshirt that he'd been wearing yesterday but took off due to heat in the room. But it's was slightly breezy in New York so he figured it would be better to put it on. He grabbed his shoes and grabbed his keys, heading out the door.

"Took you long enough!" Polnareff scoffed. Kakyoin grinned a bit, "sorry, I'm really tired..." Holly smiled, "you okay, piccolo." Polnareff just laughed, "is the Italian side of you coming out or something? You're speaking an awful lot of Italian, Mrs. Holly."

Holly smiled, a little embarrassed, "I guess so!" She smiled nervously. Kakyoin smiled, "well, let's head out."

The trio headed outside, after returning their keys. Kakyoin had a moment of realization and turned to the Frenchman. "Wait, Polnareff, how do we even know where we're going?" The older man only chuckled. "I looked before my phone died, and Holly wrote it down." Kakyoin turned to Holly.

She smiled before holding up a piece of paper. They walked on to the sidewalk and Holly held up her hand hailing a taxi. Which came immediately. They got into the car, and Polnareff fixed his gaze on Holly. "I didn't expect that to actually work." He chuckled slightly.

"I know, it's stereotypical." She chuckled as well. The taxi driver turned to the three, asking where they were heading. Holly told the driver and they were on their way. "It's going be a long way..." Holly commented, sounding a little worried. Kakyoin gave her a small, "mhm..." Before resting his head on the older woman's shoulder, falling asleep quickly.


Kakyoin was suddenly woken by someone shaking him. "Kakyoin! Kakyoin! We're here!" Kakyoin looked up, still tired and saw where they were. He wasn't lying. He looked up to see Holly paying the driver and about to get out. Once they were out, they glanced at the store, Kakyoin stood there, (menacingly-) petrified at what awaited him.

"Welp, let's go!" Holly and Polnareff continued onwards. Kakyoin gulped slightly before joining them. Upon arrival, they saw a woman looking and trying on corsets along with other erotic things. They were almost instantly greeted by a woman.

"Hello! I'm Katy, how can I help you today!"

Polnareff smiled, "Bonjour, madame, my friend here" Polnareff gestured to Kakyoin, "is looking to buy a corset and we were wondering if you could help us, Cherie."

The lady smiled and grabbed some measuring tape and went up to Kakyoin. "Of course I can. I'll need to measure your waist if that's alright, love."

Kakyoin nodded and the lady bent down, wrapping the tape around the redhead's waist. She looked at the tape before giggling, "wow, you have a small waist. Your a twenty." Kakyoin was a little shocked at the number, he thought it be a lot larger. No wonder Jotaro always said he had a slim waist.

"Your corset size is 16." She said as she pointed to corsets that would fit Kakyoin. They thanked the lady and headed to the part in the store. They looked through articles of clothing till Kakyoin found one that was decent. It was smaller than most of them, but he liked it. They called the woman and she got him fitted into it.

"Ohh, that'll work nicely! Opinions?" Holly agreed and Kakyoin nodded. He could barely breathe, but he expected that. It hurt now, he wondered how it would feel at his wedding. "We'll take!" Polnareff shouted. "Calm down Pol..." Holly said, pulling out her card to pay for the corset. The woman unlaced the corset and packaged it. Soon after that, they left.

"Now, we just get the dress. I thought I saw a wedding shop over there somewhere, let's check!" Polnareff chimed.

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