Bye bye baby blue

136 8 21

Tw: Death


Two months had passed since that incident with Jolyne. Jotaro had gone up to her school and cussed the living shit outta the teacher. He explained to Jolyne's mother what happened and they both agreed that it would be best if she just transferred.

During those months, Kakyoin was going through some changes. His cramping started to get worse, way worse. He tried hiding his pain so that people wouldn't worry, but each day they got worse.

Today was no exception. His cramps were excruciatingly painful, more than usual. He also strangely felt hot, almost like he had a fever. At first, they both, the cramps and fever, were bearable then shit hit the fan.

He tried his best not yell out in pain, but it got the best of him. He let out a loud screech, in response, Jolyne came running, trying to find out what was wrong.

"Nori!" She panted, trying to catch her breath, "are you alright?"

Kakyoin shook his head, "I'm in a lot of pain right now...I should be okay though." He tried to smile to ease her worries, but it didn't help.

"Maybe you need to go to the doctor. I could go get dad-"

"no-!...please. I'm okay really-" he cut himself off when he saw Jolyne's look of terror. She was looking at his leg, which at the moment was bare due to the fact that he was wearing a skirt. She quickly ran out of the room, calling for Jotaro.

Kakyoin was going to try to tell it was okay and that she didn't need to get him until he looked down. He saw what she saw.


Jolyne ran over to Jotaro's office, knocking loudly and desperately. Jotaro answered 20 knocks later. He was currently on the phone with someone important, he had a slightly annoyed facial expression, which softened when he saw who it was.

"Excuse me. My daughter needs something... it's urgent." He removed the phone from his ear; placing his hand the phone, "Jolyne, I'm in the middle of something-"

"It's about the baby! It's dying!"

Kakyoin let out a loud scream of pain. Not of physical, but emotional. Jotaro dropped the phone and ran to him. He  stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the sight.

Blood was all over Kakyoin's legs and on the floor as well as on the couch he was sitting on. Kakyoin was in pain, in both ways now. Without hesitation, Jotaro swooped up Kakyoin, Jolyne followed. They were immediately going to the hospital.


Jotaro sighed as he checked the clock. He was in the hospital's waiting room, waiting for Kakyoin. During the wait, he had told the others about what had happened with Kakyoin. Originally, he just told Holly about it but the others were there and Polnareff overheard, and you can already tell how that went.

Holly, Caesar, and Joseph were planning on visiting. Polnareff and Avdol would've come but something happened with Avdol and Polnareff decided to stay with him.

Holly cheerfully smiled when she saw her son and granddaughter. She skipped over to him, her smile fading when she saw him. She now just remembered why she was here. "'s he doing?"

"Not so-"

"You may all come in now." One of the doctors said, holding the door for the group. They practically ran inside, Holly hugged him, asking how he was doing, motherly things like that.

Kakyoin had been asked various amount of questions, mostly just "are you okay?" Then the dreaded question came up. "what happened to the baby?" Joseph asked. Kakyoin turned his head, his eyes deprived of any emotion.

"There is no baby. It's stillborn."

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