Fill my heart with song

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Jolyne just continued to cry. She seemed as if she was incapable of doing anything else at the moment. She just rested her head on his lap and cried. It took her thirty minutes to stop crying and only then she cried herself to sleep.

Kakyoin looked down to see the thirteen year old peacefully sleep sleeping. It was the most peaceful he had seen her in a while. A small smile escaped his lips and he wiped the remaining tears off her face.

Jotaro soon noticed his sleeping daughter, "we should let her sleep." Jotaro said, almost whispered. Kakyoin nodded and he let Jotaro take him off of him and he placed her on her bed. The couple soon left afterward.

Kakyoin flopped on his bed, Jotaro did the same causing the mattress to jump as well as Kakyoin. The redhead yelped causing Jotaro to chuckle a little bit. Kakyoin joined and they laughed for a bit which soon died down. When it  did Kakyoin stretched out his arms and something shiny reflected off of his left hand, it caught Jotaro's attention. He grabbed his left arm abruptly and looked at it, he smiled once he realized what the source was coming from.

"What? What is it?" Jotaro chuckled, "nothin' just your ring" it took a second for Kakyoin to process what his "husband" just said when it hit him. He also looked at his hand and he remembered the engagement ring. He as well smiled.

"That's right. We never got married."

"Do you want to?"

"Eh- what?"

"Do you want to get married. You said that we could after the baby which was never born and then years past and now we have Jouta." Jotaro sat up. "So, Noriaki Kakyoin," Jotaro grabbed Kakyoin's hands as he continued, "will you marry me? For real this time."

Kakyoin let out a small chuckle before attacking his face with kisses, much like he did when Jotaro first proposed to him. "Of course, asshole."


Kakyoin was woken up in the middle of the night by a call from Polnareff. He groggily answered it, "yes, Pol?"

"When are you getting Jouta again?"

"Like sometime in the morning. Why?"

Polnareff whined," he's being really fussy, he won't stop crying for you and it's been 30 minutes."

Kakyoin was about to go "aww" until he really thought about it. "Wait what do you mean he's crying for me"

Polnareff coughed, "he keeps going like," he tried his best to do a higher pitched voice, "' Kakyoin! I want Kakyoin' shit like that."

"He can talk?!"


Sorry for the short chapter, i wasn't sure what to add else to add.

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