Meeting the family

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Kakyoin almost dropped Jouta when he heard the statement. He was in shock. Jotaro let out a pissed off sigh, he wanted to punch the shit of something else. Warm, salty tears filled his eyes. He felt like it was all his fault. If he just went with her none of this would've happened. Jotaro massage the bridge of his nose, "and now I have to go get her and we have to have this long ass talk and- God fucking damnit."

It was all his fault. It was his fault Jolyne went to jail and now she ruined her life. Jotaro went continued to rant about how angry he was with his daughter but Kakyoin didn't listen. He was completely lost in thought.

"Nori? Nori!? Noriaki!" Kakyoin jumped. "Ah, I'm sorry. I was just thinking" Jotaro sighed, "and now because I don't trust her I have to cancel the business trip."

Kakyoin couldn't help but feel happy at that statement, as selfish as that may seem. He hated whenever Jotaro left. He hated it when anyone left. "So...what are you going to do now?" "I don't fucking know."

Kakyoin looked at his baby, who was now looking at him. Kakyoin placed a small kiss on Jouta's forehead. "Maybe it's better if you stay with Holly for the night." The redhead originally muttered to himself but Jotaro ended up overhearing. "Do you want me to drive you? I already have to go pick up Jolyne." Kakyoin jumped at the request but nodded. They both got their things together and drove over to Holly's house.


As soon as they got to Holly's house, Kakyoin ran to the door and softly knocked. Instead of Holly, he was greeted by Joseph and Polnareff pushing past him. "Kakyoin-" "Kakyoin! Long time no see!" Kakyoin smiled and chuckled a bit. Avdol soon showed up, "ah, Kakyoin, it's nice to see you." The redhead smiled at the three men. "It's nice to see all of you too." Kakyoin turned to his fiancé, "I might be a while. You can go without me." Jotaro nodded and drove off.

"What is that?" Polnareff said pointing to the baby that was wrapped in a blanket. "Oh did Mrs. Holly not tell you guys?" "Tell us what-" Joseph started but didn't finish due to his daughter cutting him off. "Papa, who's at the door?" "Kakyoin" Joseph calmly told her. There was a silence before loud footsteps could be heard.

Holly pushed past all the men, almost making them fall, and to Kakyoin. "Nori! Have you been doing? Oh, and is Jouta okay?" Jouta?!" The three men questioned. "Isn't that the name I gave you when you asked me what would be a good baby name?" Joseph asked his daughter. "hai!"

Avdol thought for a minute, he put two and two together and he finally got it. Avdol looked at Kakyoin's stomach, noticing it was completely flat. "Ohh." "What? I don't get it what happened?" Polnareff hastily asked his boyfriend who was about to tell him the news before a certain blond man came to see what was happening. Caesar.

"Oh, Mr. Caesar, I didn't expect to see you" Caesar smile, "neither did I." He responded to the redhead. His smile widens when he saw who he was holding. "Oh, and how is my great grandson doing?"

"Great grandson!?" Joseph and Polnareff asked, Caesar, nodded. "How come you know this and I don't!?" Joseph asked his daughter but Caesar answered for her. "Because I was there, idiota."

Kakyoin let out a small chuckle, he was happy to see Joseph and Caesar get along again. It was a wonderful sight. He turned to look at Caesar, "would you like to hold him, Mr. Caesar?" Caesar joyfully nodded and Kakyoin handed him his great-grandson. "Dio Caro! He looks just like Jotaro!"

"Wait what?! Let me see him!"

"Hey he's my great grandson, I should see him before you-!"

"Why don't we all just go inside and have a look at him?"

Everyone agreed and headed inside. Once they got to the living room, Caesar held him out so everyone could see him. "Holy shit! He does look like Jotaro" the other two men agreed.

Kakyoin gently smiled, "well, he has one feature of yours Mr. Joestar." Kakyoin said sweetly. Joseph jumped a bit, "what?! What is it?!" Jouta woke up slightly. Holly hushed her father quietly, "papa, are you trying to wake him up!" "Actually it's not such a bad thing. Look at his face."

Everyone turned their head to see Jouta's slightly opened eyes. Joseph gasped, "oh my God! He has my eyes!" Kakyoin, as well as everyone else, laughed. It was nice that the family was calm or at least it was right now.

"Oh, right Mrs. Holly, can I ask a favor? That is if it's alright." Mrs. Holly gave him a sweet smile, a smile he was all too familiar with, "of course, Miele." Kakyoin let out a gentle sigh. "can Jouta stay here for the night? I feel like it would better."

"Why would it be better?" Polnareff butted in, questioning the redhead.

Kakyoin huffed, he would have to explain what happened.

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