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It had only been a day since the couple started dating, but Jotaro wanted to do something special for his beloved Kakyoin. After all, Jotaro wasn't the one to take things slow. Considering this was his first real relationship, he didn't know exactly what to do or where to take him for a date.

It was late at night, past 12, so he figured that one of the older men were awake. Considering that the men were in a different room from Jotaro, so he would have to get up. But, the problem was that Kakyoin was laying on Jotaro and he would have to push the redhead off.

He quietly sighed, before trying to set Kakyoin down somewhere else. But, whenever he tried to move himself or Kakyoin, the redhead would just snuggle into him some more. It took Jotaro 15 minutes before being able to get Kakyoin off.

Once he did, he hastily made his way to the rest of the Crusaders. He knocked quietly and waiting patiently. He tried a little louder and heard a soft "come in". Jotaro instantly slammed the door open, scaring the men. All of them were awake. They were all sitting in the middle of the room talking.

"Ah, Jotaro, it's you. What are you doing up this hour? Shouldn't you and Kakyoin be sleep?" Avdol questioned. Jotaro only huffed in response, "Nori asleep already. And shouldn't I ask you the same question?" All three men looked, before turning back to Jotaro. Joseph was the one to answer him though, "we just couldn't sleep. I'm going to assume that's your reason too."

Jotaro nodded slightly. Joseph chuckled scantily, before patting a seat next to him and Polnareff, "well? C'mon join the party!" The old man half scream half whispered. Jotaro sighed sitting down. They all talked for a little bit, reminiscing about the 'old days'. That's when Jotaro popped the question.

"I originally came here for some advice." All of the men looked at him, curious. "Mostly from you, Polnareff" the Frenchmen was a bit shocked but smirk soon after. He nodded and Jotaro went on, "well, considering that today is the last day of our little... sleepover, I wanted to do something special for Nori. Basically, I want to take him on a date, but I don't know where or how to do it. And considering you guys are older and have more experience you would be the perfect people to ask."

All of them just stared blankly at Jotaro not sure what to say to him. Jotaro went on, "I sorta wanted to ask mom, cause her and Nori are somewhat similar; personality wise. But she's asleep and I don't want to wake her up, so you guys will do."

All of them thought, they thought for awhile. Polnareff was the first to break the silence. "Why don't you take him to the park or something? I think he likes the outdoors so that date will be perfect." Jotaro nodded in agreement, surprised that he actually liked Polnareff's idea. Avdol was the second to speak, "or the arcade. I remember him going on about how he likes video games so that should be nice. Plus, that would make the date fun." Jotaro also liked that idea, he was considering it a little more.

Finally Joseph started to speak, "both of those are good ideas. Why don't you use both? Like take him to the arcade then go to the park afterwards. He'll like that for sure." Jotaro smiled slightly, liking that idea the best. He figured he'd do that. "Yeah, I'll just do both. Thanks guys." All of them smiled and they went back to talking, they ended up losing track of time and pasted out from exhaustion.


It was officially Sunday, meaning in a couple of hours, they would all depart. Kakyoin woke up soon after Jotaro fell asleep. He woke up to that thought realizing he'd have to leave soon. He hated that thought. He didn't want to leave. He looked around for his boyfriend, only to find he wasn't in his room.

Kakyoin got up and decided to look for his boyfriend. It didn't take long since the only door that was open was the room the rest of Crusaders were in. He peaked in the room to find, Joseph, Polnareff, Avdol, and Jotaro on the floor, sleeping.

Kakyoin chuckled quietly before going in the room and kissing his boyfriend's forehead, which woke him up. "Oh, I'm sorry, did that wake you up?" Jotaro nodded, "it's fine, I needed to wake up anyways." Jotaro kissed him back after finishing his sentence. Kakyoin chuckled again.

"So what happened here?"

"Uhh...well, me and rest of the gang were talking about...shit and we ended up falling asleep."

Kakyoin sighed before placing another kiss on his cheek. The door suddenly creaked and both boys turn their heads to find Holly. "Oh, good, you two are awake! I was just about to make breakfast-" "I'll help, Mrs. Holly." Holly was a bit taken back by that, not excepting that reaction.

"Oh, Nori, it's quite alright, you don't need to do anything. I can manage!" Kakyoin shook his head, "really, I want to help, I know Avdol helps but he's asleep right now and I thought it was the least I can do for all your kindness"

Holly sighed in defeat, before making a come here gesture, Kakyoin followed and they started on breakfast. Jotaro just went back to sleep.


It had been hours and Jotaro and Kakyoin were still on their date. Of course Kakyoin was shocked and quickly realized it was a date, but he still acted surprised, that didn't take from the thrill. Once they got back to Jotaro's house they found that everyone was gone. The two men looked around for any sign, when they noticed the table. There were candles on it and food left on it with a note. Jotaro didn't even have to read it to know what it was about.

He sighed and Kakyoin laughed. "Now, this is a date." The redhead commented.

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