I'll never love again, my world is ending

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Y'all are gonna hate me for this one. Just know writing this chapter hurts me more than it will hurt you reading it.


Marina instantly got off of Kakyoin and rushed off, not wanting to be a part of the shit storm that was approaching. On her part, it was a good move. Jotaro was livid, in fact, he was beyond that point.

What originally was Kakyoin trying to explain what happened turned into a heated argument that Jotaro started. The conversation ended with Jotaro practically screaming "I fucking hate you!" After that Kakyoin was gone, leaving Jotaro, with him and just his thoughts.

He felt a mix of emotions. He was pissed off for obvious reasons. But he was filled with regret. He regretted yelling at him or even starting the argument at all. But none of that mattered anymore. That damage was done.

Small time skip brought to you by this tiny message: during the argument, Jotaro broke up with Kakyoin :)

Jotaro soon became a hysterical mess after a couple of hours of Kakyoin being gone. He missed him. He just wanted to hug him and apologized and tell him that he loved him but he couldn't. Kakyoin was gone.

He curled up into a ball and grabbed a pillow and hugged it. It was the closest thing to Kakyoin he had. It even had his scent on it.

Jotaro didn't bother getting out of bed for half of the day. He didn't feel like really doing anything, now that Kakyoin was gone, there was nothing he could do.

He worried the out of Jolyne. Nothing she could do or say would get him to get up. He also refused to tell her what was wrong. He didn't want to upset her, after all, she loved Kakyoin and desperately wanted him to be her step dad. She didn't need to know, not now at least.

He only went out of bed when Jolyne told him that Kakyoin was at the door. The older man slowly made his way down to the door. In all honesty, he didn't really want to see the redhead. When he opened the door, Kakyoin immediately reverted his gaze away from Jotaro's.

"I just came here to get Jouta and the rest of my things." He spoke softly. Even though its been a day, Jotaro still missed Kakyoin wonderful voice. He hated that he would never hear it again.

Jotaro nodded and moved out of his way. Kakyoin gradually made his way past Jotaro, on his way there he placed something in Jotaro's palm and then closed his fingers in a fist. "You probably spent a lot of money on it. You should get a refund or sell it."

Jotaro didn't bother to look at it, he just put it in his pocket and just stood there.


In the middle of Kakyoin packing, Jolyne walked in. "You're leaving aren't you?" She sounded like she was about to cry. Kakyoin stopped and turned to her. He let out a soft sigh and held his arms out, wanting a hug. Jolyne complied and hastily made her way to him.

After about two seconds into the hug, Jolyne burst into tears. "Hey...it's okay...it'll be okay-"

"But I don't want you to leave-!" Now Kakyoin felt like crying.

"Jolyne, look at me. Things are happening between your father and I and we're both upset right now but I promise you it'll get better and we'll work it out."


"Shh....no buts...it'll be okay."

After that, the two stopped talking and hugged. Both just wanted to spend time with and each other and for sure didn't want to leave each other. Both had gotten attached.

Kakyoin sighed again, breaking the silence, "hey, Jolyne, before I go I need to tell you something."


Noriaki pulled back and cupped her cheeks. "No matter what happens between your father and I, you'll always be my daughter."

With that Jolyne burst into tears and so did Kakyoin. Jolyne didn't want Kakyoin to leave and Kakyoin didn't want to leave Jolyne or Jotaro.

He wiped her tears with his sleeve and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. He got up and grabbed his stuff and Jouta. "I guess I should get going now. I'll see you in a bit."

With that Kakyoin and Jouta left the room, Jolyne followed. He was just about to leave when Jolyne asked something.

"Nori...can you promise me something?"


"Promise me...that one day...you'll come back."

He stayed quiet for a moment, fresh tears rolled down his face. He forced a small and nodded.

"I promise."

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