Hugs and Kisses

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Kakyoin's POV

"Noriaki, wait- please."

I was glaring at him, I hate being like this to him, but I don't think I can really help it right at the moment. I lifted my head to take a good look at his face, and all that it read was sorrow. I couldn't help but feel bad, this was all my fault. I should leave. I turned around, attempting to open the door when I was met with strong arms wrapping around me. They were oddly comforting but they were rough and scarred.

I dared to turn to find...Jotaro? Even though we were the only ones in the house it shocked me that it was Jotaro, he doesn't normally act like this. He rested his head on my shoulder and mumbled something that I thought was an apology. I just sunk into his arms, feeling extreme warmth. I leaned back into his chest and snuggled into him.

We ended up on the floor after a bit. I enjoyed being like this more than I should of, Jotaro noticed and didn't seem to mind. I shifted on to my chest so that both of ours were touching, making the hug get tighter. It was like this for another minute until the door slammed open. Mr. Joestar, Avdol, and Polareff were just standing there, looking at our scene.

Mr. Joestar was stunned, Avdol coughed awkwardly, and Polnareff looked like he was going to laugh. As soon as I heard the door I jumped and scrambled away from Jotaro, picking myself up in the process.

"Are...we interrupting something...?" Avdol questioned, he looked away, I couldn't tell why. "No." Jotaro's Stern voice echoed through the quiet house, he stood as he finished the sentence. "What are you guys doing here anyway" he sounded slightly pissed off, I don't think he was trying to though. He slid his hat down his face to hide his embarrassment. "Well, we saw Holly and she was slightly worried about you two because 'anything could happen' so she sent us here" Mr. Joestar spoke among the three, his voice deeper than ever. Jotaro and I just nodded in response before they went into the living room talking about whatever adults talk about, we retreated back into Jotaro's.

I grabbed the cherries from the floor and placed them into my lap. I took one and started twisting them with my tongue making a 'rero' sound. I didn't have to look at him to tell that he was getting upset, I couldn't help but smirk a bit, or the best I could at least. Jotaro huffed and turned his head to look outside, it was peaceful out there. There always seemed to have that type of aura around this house, which is why I love being here so much, and Jotaro lives here, so yeah.

I reached my hand into the bowl again and felt nothing. I managed to finish all of my cherries in about 3 minutes. I hadn't realized that I had been eating them so fast until now. I grabbed the cherry bowl and walked out of the room to see if there were more, Jotaro didn't seem to mind or care, considering he didn't question it at all. I walked towards the kitchen, only to pause midway. I started to think about just going into the living room to ask one the men if there were any.

I thought that that would be the better option, so I walked into the living room to hear Mr. Joestar gushing about how amazing his husband was. Caesar, I think his name was. Avdol seemed to be the only one listening, even though he gave Mr. Joestar the occasional 'mhm' and 'yeah' as well as a nod. Polnareff, on the other hand, could care less about Mr. Joestar bantering, he was focusing on Avdol and whatever he was saying, his face slightly red. I could tell he was in love, it was painfully obvious but Avdol didn't get it.

Mr. Joestar finally realized that I was standing there, and smiled a bit. "Kakyoin! I didn't notice you there! Wanna sit and join us?" I really did want to join and catch up, but I would feel bad about leaving Jotaro considering he invited me over. " I would love to, but I don't think Jotaro would really appreciate if I kinda just left without reason."

Mr. Joestar got what I meant by that and nodded as he gave me another smile. "So...what are you two love birds doing in there?" Polnareff budged in, I huffed angrily. "You're one to talk." Looking at both him and Avdol. Polareff gave me a 'shut up' look and Avdol just looked confused. He turned to the Frenchman and asked him about it, who dismissed it very quickly, I couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh, but Mr. Joestar, can I ask you something?" My voice became a lot quieter than I wanted it too. "Hm? Well, I don't see why not." "Do you know if we have any more cherries? I know that you guys just got here but I thought I heard one of you guys going into the kitchen."

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