Siblings from a different parent

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Ok, so this is gonna be a mess and really short. Just know that Josuke is going to be out of character cause this is my first time writing him if that makes any sense. And also the art is made by heavenly96 on DeviantArt or Tumblr (cause its the same name).


Josuke groaned loudly. He was stuck on a play with Joseph for about 17 hours. Currently, only thirty minutes had passed since they first boarded. He could already feel himself get irritated and tired. What pissed him off, even more, was the fact that Joseph refused to tell him anything about their trip to New York. The only thing he could do was wait, which would take hours. The more the seconds passed the more he grew impatient. "Oi, Mr. Joestar, why- or where the hell are we even going?" 

"New York." The older man responded calmly. Josuke's expression changed almost instantly, Joseph didn't seem to notice or really care. "Why?!" "Didn't I tell you already? I want you to meet someone." In response Josuke aggressively fell back into his seat, groaning again. "Why do I have to come to New York? Why couldn't they just come to Morioh?" "1. she's already visiting New York and it would be idiotic for her to go back to Japan. 2. Tomoko wanted us to spend time with each other." 

Josuke rolled his eyes a little and placed his head in his hand and look out the window, the was nothing better he could do. "What so important about this woman? What makes her so great?" "She means the world to me. She's a wonderful lady and you'll be fond of her once you meet her." Josuke ignored the last part of his words and focused on the first part. "She means the world to me." 


Josuke felt relieved as soon as he started walking again. It had been so long since he was able to get up and walk. Lucky for him, He and Joseph would be walking a lot that hour. Due to the fact that Josuke felt like he couldn't sit down anymore, the two had decided to walk all the way to the Joestar's resident. Joseph whined the entire way there, not wanting to walk all the way there but Josuke ignored it. 


After a long, aggravating walk they two finally made to the Joestar's house. As soon as Joseph opened the door, a woman with honey colored hair and beautiful green eyes greeted him and hugged him tightly. She looked to be in her late 50's but she looked a sweet woman. When she greeting the older man, she happily shouted, "Papa!" 


Joseph hugged her back, tightly. The two stayed like that for a minute until Joseph pulled away, "Holly, there's someone I'd like you to meet." Joseph gestured to Josuke as he finished the sentence. "This is Josuke Higashikata. He's your brother." 

Her eyes lit up upon hearing those words. She fixed her gaze him, who was now staring back at her wide eyed. A small but sweet smile formed on her face as she returned she looked at him. She brought her hands to his face and pinched his cheeks tightly. "Aren't you so cute!" She commented with her smile bigger than before. 

Despite the fact that Josuke hated what she was doing, he couldn't help but smile. There was something calming about her that he couldn't describe. Maybe it was her sweet voice or smile, he couldn't tell. She held his face for a while longer before letting go. As soon as she let go, Josuke rubbed his face. She observed him a little more, then she noticed something unusual.  

"Your's weird." 

Rage ran through Josuke, he took her words an insult. He was about to angrily comment on what she had said when she smiled happily. "I like it. It makes you different or at least it makes!" She said with a large grin. He smiled in return, as soon as she said that he knew what Joseph meant by she's a wonderful lady. He was, in fact, fond of her. 

"Ya know, I haven't seen pompadours in a while. Last time I saw one I was eighteen," 


She hummed in response, "back in the '60s...I could tell you about if you'd like." 

"...I would like that." 

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