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After Holly left, the two boys finally went to Jotaro's room. Jotaro placed the Cherries on the floor in front of Kakyoin. The two sat in silence. Kakyoin just wanted to tell him sorry but he knew that Jotaro wouldn't like it.

He sighed a little bit with sadness in his tone, Jotaro looked at him, with a bit of concern. "I really didn't mean to upset you earlier by what I said. I'm...I'm sorry. I know you're you annoyed by me saying sorry but I really mean it." He commented breaking the silence. Jotaro didn't respond at all but gave him a look of pity, which just angered Kakyoin. He was trying to fix something and Jotaro couldn't even bother to say a word. "What did I do to you?! This entire time I've been here you've barely said anything to me and you've just been avoiding having a conversation with me and it's annoying! Did I piss you off in school or something?" Although it was the aftermath of him choking back his tears, his voice became slightly childish.

Jotaro's look of pity turned into a look of concern. "No, Kakyoin that's not-" "Don't give me excuses!" Though Jotaro wasn't giving him excuses. Truth be told he just didn't know what to say to him, what was there to say? His best friend and crush was in front of him about to cry. What was he supposed to say? He didn't say the wrong thing.

"What's with you lately! We barely ever talk any more now you just avoid me all the time! When you texted me that you wanted to come over I thought I would at least get an explanation about something, or you tell me what I did wrong. But no!" Warm salty tears ran down his face, Jotaro just sat there, disappointed with himself for not being able to do something for him. It was painfully obvious that Jotaro wasn't good with emotions. Kakyoin wiped his tears and got up walking to the front door. Jotaro snapped out of and ran to catch up with him. "Noriaki, wait- please." Kakyoin turned around and glared at him. Jotaro sighed and pulled him into...a hug...?

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