This Garden Once Was Perfect

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So this'll be a filler, it's a little different from the other ones. It's about Holly but not when she's a kid. The reasoning for this one being different is because I'm already doing another CaeJose filler so I kinda had to do a different one than that if that even makes sense. Oh and also, I'm still doing the suggestions I got from, illegalMemer and Sinnamon_pancake but the chapters are just taking me a while to make. I also wanted to post the two at the same time, so it depends on me finishing them. And another thing, this filler goes back when Kakyoin and Jotaro were in highschool. In honor of that, I'm going to try to write this the way I wrote the old chapters.


Jotaro huffed out smoke, causing Kakyoin to cough. They were sitting out on the rooftop. "Jotaro! You've really have got to stop smoking. It's horrible for both your health and mine."

Jotaro let out a groan. "What the hell are you, my boyfriend or my wife?" Kakyoin scoffed a bit. "Your boyfriend who's concerned for your health. I bet Mrs. Holly would say the same thing about your habits." That comment made Jotaro groan louder.

It wasn't like it he didn't like his mom, 'cause he did, but he just thought she was fucking annoying when she nags about important things, like school or his health, especially his mental health.

Kakyoin sighed slightly. He turned his head to face Jotaro, who was now looking at him. "This is kinda a weird question do you feel about your dad?"

Jotaro's serenity facial expression turned into a scowl. His frown looked angrier than usual, Kakyoin had just said something personal. "Wow...Mrs. Holly right, you don't like your dad-" "of course I don't like that piece of shit. He left my mom for a damn music career and that she still loves him despite him being a shitty husband. She does so much and he's never done anything, I've only seen 7 times in my whole life." Kakyoin was silent, he didn't expect that at all. "Jotaro...I'm sure that's not true. I'm sure your dad loves you and your mom." 

Jotaro's glare increased greatly, intimating Kakyoin. "Really now? Then why the fuck did he not bother to at least call my mom when she was fucking dying? Is that what you call love?" Kakyoin stayed quiet, he didn't really know how to argue against that. Jotaro's face softens as he extinguished his cigarette. "Mark my words, he'll pay for leaving my mom." Kakyoin sighed, "I mean karma could come 'collect his debt' if that makes any sense." Jotaro nodded. 

The two sat in silence for a bit, Kakyoin broke it. "Changing the topic, hows Mrs. Holly doing?" "she's doing fine I guess. But because of fucking Sadao, she's upset and misses him." That comment made Kakyoin choke. He didn't expect Jotaro to call his dad by his first name. "Oh..." Jotaro sighed. "She misses him a lot. I don't get why but she does. It sucks ass to see her upset like this." "Maybe you should do something nice for her to cheer her up...?" Jotaro thought for a minute before agreeing. "Yeah...I was planning something as much as I don't want to do it." "Oh?" 


"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home?" Kakyoin smiled at the suggestion, "really Jotaro, I'll be fine, but I appreciate your concern though." Jotaro nodded, "plus you need all your energy to convince your grandfather." The taller man let out a small chuckle, "touché."

Kakyoin let out a hearty laugh as he finished packing his things, Jotaro helped of course. Once they were finished they walked out together, parting ways as soon as they get outside.

Jotaro let out an annoyed sigh, he honestly didn't want to do this but it'll make his mother happy. He pulled out his phone and found the person he was looking for. Joseph. It didn't take long for the old man to answer.

"Ah, Joot! It's nice to talk to you again!" Jotaro sighed before responding, "uh yeah same here. Look, Jiji I need to ask a favor." Joseph chuckled, "sure!" Jotaro took a deep breath.

"I know you don't like my father, frankly I don't either. He's a shitty person but mom loves him and she misses him a shit ton and he's always 'busy' so he can't visit. What I'm trying to say is or ask is can you help me get tickets to his concert."

There was a long pause between the two. Neither said or did anything. "Look I don't wanna do this either. I'm this for my mom." "Wow, never in my life did I think you'd say that" Jotaro groaned again, "can you help me or what?"

"Fine, fine. If it's for Holly." Jotaro smirked, "I had a feeling you'd say that."


The door to Jotaro's house creaked alerting Holly. When the door fully opened Holly was right there, greeting Jotaro. "Oh, Joot! I'm so happy you're home" the older said whilst wrapping her arms around him for a hug, of course, annoying Jotaro. He pushed her off before mumbling some curse words at her, she just smiled.

She turned her head to look at something else when a photo caught her attention. She smiled sadly at it before picking it up. She looked at it before placing it on her chest, hugging it. She gave a sad but soft sigh, catching the attention of Jotaro. He turned to her to find what she was doing.

"I miss him." She softly muttered. Her bubbly attitude was gone making the Atmosphere to become sad. When she was sad everyone was sad. "I wondered what would've happened if your father helped raised you. I wonder if you would be different. I know it must be annoying to just have me as your only parent."

Jotaro stayed quiet, much like Kakyoin earlier he shocked that she said something like that. "This Garden once was perfect." "What?" Holly set the picture back where it once was. "Our family I mean. It was perfect once before there's discord in our 'garden'."

Jotaro looked to the side, "who knows, you could say him again." Holly let out a sad chuckle, "maybe."


Holly quietly knocked on the door to Jotaro's room, she didn't want to disturb him so she didn't do it that loud. Jotaro almost immediately went to the door, clearly annoyed. "What?" "Oh well, I got the mail and it's from Papa so I thought it might be yours" Jotaro practically snatched the envelope out of her hands.

He read it carefully and looked back at his mom, handing the envelope back to her. "It's actually yours." Holly perked up a bit. Jotaro plugged his ears while Holly opened the letter. She almost screamed when she saw the ticket.

"Did you and Papa get this?" "Yeah." A small smile crept on her lips as she read the piece of paper, and pulled him into a tight hug, thanking him. Jotaro yelled at her to get off of him and tried pushing her off. Despite his negativity, he was happy that she was happy.

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