Love blossoming pt 2

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Kakyoin turned to Polnareff who completely distracted, Kakyoin sighed before popping the question, "Hey Polnareff, Jotaro just called and was wondering...if he can tell Avdol. He said that..." Kakyoin was trying to think of a lie to help his boyfriend out and he also just wanted Avdol and Polnareff to be a couple already. "He already knows and just wants to confirm it. Polnareff let out an extremely Shakey sigh before nodding his head.

Kakyoin pulled out his phone and called back Jotaro, telling him it was okay. Jotaro stayed on the call and went to tell him. It was about 15 minutes until Jotaro came back. He told the redhead what the older man said and Kakyoin's facial expression twisted into something that the Frenchman wasn't expecting, getting a curious look from Polnareff the couple hung up and Polnareff almost ran over to Kakyoin to ask him what Avdol said. Kakyoin dismissed the questions almost immediately upsetting the Frenchmen.

Holly came back soon after with a bouquet of roses, she seemed really happy about buying them considering the grin she had on her face. "Thank you for suggesting I buy these. They're absolutely gorgeous and I love them, they sorta remind me of my stand..." She chuckled slightly as she finished the sentence.

"Bet Kakyoin thinks you're prettier-" that conversation ended with a smack. They began to walk back after the bickering of the two men. Kakyoin slowed the group down by going around so that Polnareff wouldn't be able to hear Avdol's response for a while longer.

They ended not getting back to Kujo's resident for another hour.


Once they got back, Polnareff was hesitant about going back inside, scared of hearing Avdol response to his confession. Kakyoin forced him into the house. They looked around trying to find the men when they got into the living room.

Avdol and Joseph were in the middle of the room. The floor was covered with Tarot cards which Avdol was trying to clean up. What had happened was Avdol was trying to teach Joseph and Jotaro (mostly Joseph) how to do Tarot readings. Jotaro wasn't assumed by it but didn't want to be rude, so instead of just saying he didn't want to do it, he told Joseph to go first which was a smart move on his part considering Joseph didn't seem to get it all that well.

Jotaro was just in the corner being an anti-social teenager. All of their heads snapped forward when the group walked in. Polnareff quickly fixed his gaze on something else, though he wasn't looking at him, he could feel Avdol staring at him. Joseph smiled when he saw Holly and ran over to her, "Holly! You're back, what did you get from the store anyways" Joseph winked slightly to gesture their plan.

"Oh! I got these roses to light up the table." Her smile as sweet as ever, making Joseph smile as well. Avdol got up after picking up all his tarot cards. He walked over to Holly and smiled at the flowers, "ah, Queen Elizabeth's are a very lovely and beautiful choice, they'll light up your house for sure Mrs. Holly."

Avdol then turned to Polnareff who was shaking in his boots. The Egyptian sighed slightly before kissing his cheek and heading off into the room he was sharing with two other adults to put his Tarot cards away. Leaving Polnareff a blushing mess and having the rest of the Crusaders cheer Polnareff on.

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