You got to lose to know how to win

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I combined "all these feelings come back to you" with this chapter. So the first part is the same.


Marina stared at the picture of what used to be her family. She couldn't help but smile at it, it brought her both happiness and grief. A soft sigh escaped her lips and she brought the picture to her chest, hugging it slightly.

She soon let go of the picture, placing it where it once was. She admired it one last time before turning to go do something else. She was soon stopped by a loud knock, causing her to jump. She ran to the source of the noise, being from the front door, and answered it.

A small smile arose from her lips as she saw who stood upon her, "ah, Jotaro, it's nice to see you. It's been a while" Jotaro nodded. "It really has been." He responded, with a small smile. Marina coughed a little bit, trying to break the silence, "so, what's brings you here? You usually don't come over to just to hang out."

"Heh. Well I guess that'll change, then"

"I- wait what?"

"It was JoJo's idea. She figured we could better our relationship with each other and I didn't mind the idea so here we are."

A bigger smile grew across her face as she nodded, "I...would like that actually."


The two had decided to go for a walk, which was horribly awkward. The two barely talked to each other. Marina usually asked the questions or brought up memories or topics to break the silence but this time, it was different.


So, Marina, has anything exciting happened recently?"

She thought for a minute, trying to recall anything then she shook her head. "No, not really. How about you? You have a very interesting life."

"Well..." He pondered for a bit. Many exciting things were happening to him but he wasn't sure if Marina was the person to tell. After all, she was his ex.

"I'm getting married soon, so that's exciting."

Silence filled the air. Everything seemed to stop. Jotaro instantly regretted what he said. "Maybe I shouldn't have-" "no, no. It's okay, I'm not upset." That was a lie. In all honesty, she was upset with it. She still loved him. After that, the rest of the walk was quiet. It was soon horribly ruined by the sound of Jotaro's phone loudly ringing. "I'm sorry, I gotta take this." Marina nodded in response and Jotaro answered.

Jotaro let out a loud sigh when the call ended, "Hey, uh, I know this is really sudden but I gotta go. You can come if you want, although it might be awk-" "sure! I wouldn't mind!" Jotaro nodded and the two walked back to Jotaro's house.


The walk there was quiet. Neither one of them tried to start up a conversation, creating a tense atmosphere. Once they got there, they instantly were greeted by Joseph, who almost knocked Jotaro by pulling him into a neck lock. Jotaro groaned a little whilst trying to push him off. Marina let out a small chuckle, "Hello Mr. Joestar." Joseph immediately stopped and turned to Marina. A big smile formed on his lips when he saw her, "Ah, Marina! It's been way too long!" She nodded in response, "it really has been, how have-" "Joseph, who the fu-" Caesar cut himself when he saw Marina. He gasped a little and pulled her into a hug. Marina hugged him back whilst happily laughing, "Mr. Caesar! It feels like forever!"

The two went inside and on continued on, Joseph and Jotaro followed short. On the way inside, Marina bumped into an unfamiliar figure, it was another man. "Ah, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there."

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