The ocean is once again still

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Things were different after the loss of the child. Kakyoin was different after the loss. He had fallen into a state of depression after what happened. He locked himself in the room he once shared and barely ever came out. Whenever he did come out, it was only when everyone was asleep or not home. Everyone was worried about him, most Jotaro and Jolyne. They did everything to get him to come out but nothing worked, not even Jolyne begging him. Jotaro hated what Kakyoin was going through and what made it worse was that he couldn't help him. 

Today was quite different, Kakyoin's grief grew worse and he just couldn't take it anymore. Anguish was the only emotion he could feel at the moment. Warm tears streamed down his face, and it started to happen. 


Jotaro slammed his elbows on his desk. He rubbed his temple and sighed awfully loud. He was in pure stress. Some of it was just simple things like work or trying to take care of Jolyne by himself, which was something he'd never had to do, for a long period of time at least. But most of his stress was due to the situation with his fiance. He was extremely worried about Kakyoin and his mental health and there was really nothing he could do because Kakyoin closed himself up.

He looked up at his work, noticing that he was basically done with it. He sighed a little bit whilst leaning back in his chair. He was about to get up and go downstairs when he heard a loud scream that turned into painful crying from his room. Kakyoin was having a meltdown.

It didn't take long for Jotaro to rush to the bedroom's door. He grabbed the knob with great force trying to turn it, at first like expected, nothing happened. He groaned loudly and was about to call Star Platinum then he heard a loud click from the other side.

Jotaro turned the knob to find tentacles everywhere. They were Hierophant's. The room was a complete mess. Things thrown on the floor some things even broke, but the biggest mess was the person in the middle of the room, Kakyoin.

He curled up in a ball, practically scream-crying. He was loosely wrapped in Hierophant, who was trying to keep him company, but that wasn't doing much.

As soon as the stand the person it opened the door for, it unraveled and disappeared somewhere else. Jotaro quickly ran to Jotaro's aid picking him up and placing him in his lap, comforting him.

"Nori...please just talk to me..."

Kakyoin wanted to say something. He wanted to just vent about his problems and except the comfort, his fiance was trying to give him but the only things that came out of him were a loud wail. Jotaro pulled him into a tighter hug.

"I hate my body...I hate it so much-!"

"Nori, don't say that...please don't say that..."

Kakyoin just cried more. He curled up in a ball and buried his face in Jotaro's chest. "I wanted to have a child with you so badly...I wanted them to look like you and act like you..." There was more the redhead wanted to say but it only came out in sobs.

"I can fix that"

Kakyoin was silent for a minute, confused by the comment. "...what?"

"We could have another child, and they could be all those things and more. That is if you want another one."

There was a thick silence in the room. No one said or did anything. Kakyoin's stopped crying at this point. He lifted his head to look at Jotaro who looked back. A small smile formed across the redhead's face, "I'd like that."

The storm had passed. The ocean was once again still.

I'm so sorry that it took a long time for this chapter to come out. I had no clue how to write it so I sorta just put it off. With this being done, the sad chapters are done (for right now). The next chapter is also probably gonna take a while, 'cause I don't know what to write. A.k.a I'm outta ideas (help).

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