Jotaro's anger

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The plane ride back was as painful as the first time. But, it felt a little shorter the second time. While they were still there, they bought a dress that Kakyoin really enjoyed. Their trip was rather pleasant. The only buzzkill was what was awaiting them when they got home. They knew it would be bad, but it was worse when they actually back.


Jotaro was furious. Kakyoin had left to go somewhere without him even knowing. He did everything to try and find where his fiancé was but nothing worked, making him even madder. It didn't help that Jolyne was getting worried about Kakyoin. She was spending the next few days with her father and her soon to be stepdad. She kept asking if he was ever coming back or where he was, stressing Jotaro even more.

Jotaro was a mixture of anger and worried. He wanted to scream at the redhead and hug him and tell him that he scared him to death at the same time. It was conflicting.

Suddenly he heard the door open from his office. He heard rustling and their bedroom door open. It was confirmed when Jolyne said "Mr. Nori!" It was Kakyoin. The older man's emotions went insane. The door to his office slammed open and out came enraged Jotaro. Kakyoin already knew what was about to happen. He told Jolyne that it wouldn't be a good idea to be with him at the moment so she went back into her room.

"Noriaki were the fuck have you been."

The redhead just sighed, trying to figure out how to put into words what happened, "Jotaro, I-"

"You what?! You've been gone for two fucking days without telling me or anyone else. Do you even know how worried everyone else has been? Do you know all the shit I've done trying to make sure you were okay? Oh, and how could forget Jolyne? She's been crying non-stop about you because she thought you wouldn't come back."

Kakyoin just sat there, not knowing what to do. (Side note, he was on his knees playing with Jolyne) "Jotaro...I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? Sorry is the only damn thing you can say right now? Sorry doesn't fucking fix things Noriaki. Sorry, can't take back the hours I spent trying to make sure you okay. Sorry, can't replace the tears Jolyne shed. Sorry, can't relive the worries everyone else. Why don't you apologize to them too?"

Kakyoin couldn't take it. He called out Hierophant and have him wrap his body around his own, shielding himself from Jotaro. That only confused the older man. He tried going closer to the redhead only to be attacked by his stand. Within seconds tentacles sworn the entire hallway.

Jotaro groaned and called out Star Platinum, attempting to have him get close to Kakyoin, but that didn't even work. Jotaro huffed. "Star Platinum, Stop time." With that everything stopped Jotaro tried to get Star to unravel Kakyoin only to be attacked by Hierophant.

Jolyne's door suddenly shot open, "daddy what the matter-" she stopped herself once she saw it. "Woah..." Was the only thing she could muster. It confused and scared Jotaro that she could even see Hierophant. She got closer it to it, "Jolyne wait-" but much to Jotaro's surprise, it didn't attack her. It let her into Kakyoin’s little domain.

Was Hierophant being protective of Kakyoin?

Okay so this is really rushed and sorta bad but it's three in the morning and I have school tomorrow.

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