Poor Jolyne

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Tw: Mentions of homophobia


Jolyne came back home, crying. Today was horrible for her. As soon as she got into the house, she ran straight to her room and brawled her eyes out. No one noticed at first, because it started off as soft sobbing then turned into heavy wailing.

This first got the attention of Kakyoin, who quickly ran to her room and tried to open her door, but as expected it was locked.

"Jolyne, honey, what's the matter?"


"Sweetheart, I know you're crying, I can hear you from downstairs. Please...just talk to me..."


Kakyoin sighed, getting ready to use plan b when Jotaro placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump. "What are you-" Jotaro was cut off by the sound of a loud, painful sob. That immediately got Jotaro's attention.

"Jolyne-" was the only thing he could say before she cut him off, "go away!" Kakyoin sighed again, before calling Hierophant. It slithered its tentacles under the door and to the lock, unlocking it.

Kakyoin instantly ran to his step-daughter's aid, swooping her up and placing her in his lap. She just buried her face into in his stomach, feeling a weird bump, she didn't question it, right now at least.

"Please...we want to help you...just talk to us." Jolyne just sniffled and continued to cry. "Honey..." By this point Jotaro was in Jolyne's room, trying to help Kakyoin calm Jolyne down.

"Jolyne. If something is wrong then we have to know about it. Just tell us." This time it was her father, Jotaro. She knew that they wouldn't leave her alone, so she had to come clean.

"There was this girl in my c-class and I told her that she was pretty and that I l-liked her. But then she got mad at me and she c-called me gross and disgusting and...and then everyone else joined and then the teacher called me disgrace for being a...lesbian a-and I got bullied by everyone-!"

The two were left in shock. Jotaro furious and so was Kakyoin. They had no words for what Jolyne had just said. The only thing that popped into Kakyoin's head was trying to comfort her. He ran his fingers through his crying daughter's hair.

"Oh...Jolyne...it's ok-"

"No, it isn't! I'm disgusting!"

That. That sentence broke Kakyoin's heart. He was about to say before,

"Jolyne, don't fucking say that."

The seriousness in his voice just made her cry more. "Jotaro! Don't say that!" The tall man sighed before sitting on his daughter's bed, picking her up and placing her on his lap. "Look, it's perfectly okay if you like girls. That doesn't make you gross." He said as he rocked the poor eight year old.

"Jolyne, you're not disgusting. You're a sweet little girl, my sweet little girl." Kakyoin added while hugging her. Jolyne couldn't help but smile, she felt extremely better. Jotaro suddenly got up and walked to the door, getting the attention of Kakyoin.

"Where are you going?"

"To the school. I need to 'talk' about somethings."

Kakyoin chuckled a bit as Jotaro went out. Jolyne turned to the redhead, "Nori, why is your belly like that?"

"Like what?"

"That," Jolyne answered, patting his stomach.

"Ohh...Jolyne, me and Jotaro forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"You're going to be a big sister. I'm pregnant."

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