Jotaro's worry

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Another small thing so people don't get confused, there was a small year time skip that I forgot to mention and currently, Jolyne is 13.


Jotaro woke up to find his fiancé missing from their bed. He shot up and immediately went to look for him. Jolyne was soon wakened up by the commotion. "Dad...what's the matter?"

"Noriaki." Was the only thing he had to say for Jolyne to understand. "Oh...he said that he was going to spend the night with grandma."

Jotaro let out a frustrated sigh, he was still worried sick and Jolyne knew that. She herself let out a sigh and placed her hand on his shoulder, "look. Nori is going to come back tomorrow morning and everything will be fine. Just wait a little bit longer. Now, you should get some sleep, you look awfully tired."

Jotaro let out a small chuckle. "Wow. For a 13 year old you're pretty well spoken." Jolyne let out a jokative scoff. "Go to sleep old man."

"Tch, I'm not that old."

Jolyne glared at him, "you are to me."

"A bet you wouldn't say that to Nori."

"Of course not. I actually like him."

Jotaro glared at her causing Jolyne to burst out laughing, Jotaro awkwardly chuckled with her, he was genuinely offended. The laughing soon died down. "Seriously though dad. You're really tired, you should get some rest now." Jotaro gave her an actual smile before nodded, "you're right." And with that, the house was quiet once more.


Jotaro's worry only grew the more the minutes passed by, it was almost night and Kakyoin wasn't home. He tried calling his mom but she wouldn't answer and it pissed him off to every extent. He tapped his foot impatiently, he really wanted to see his fiance. Jolyne noticed, she tried her best to calm him but nothing worked. He wanted Kakyoin.

Hours passed and still no sign of Kakyoin, it felt like days to Jotaro. Stressed overwhelmed him and he felt like he was going to die. "Go to sleep dad." Jolyne suddenly blurted out.

Jotaro looked at her, confused. "You're tired and stressed. It's not good for your health. I'll wait for him myself but you go to sleep." Jotaro wanted to protest it but he just didn't know how to. He grumbled slightly and went up to his room.


More hours seem to pass and there was no Kakyoin. She started to feel the worry her father felt but she tried to calm down. She leaned against the door about the fall asleep when she felt it open a little.

She jumped forward and slid across the room. The door fully opened and in the doorway was none other than Noriaki Kakyoin. She let out a low sigh as she got up and sat on their couch, Kakyoin did so as well.

When he sat down, Jolyne's gaze immediately went to him. She noticed that he was holding something, it was wrapped in a blanket. "Nori, what is-" she was cut off by a tired Jotaro stomping in the room.

"Jolyne...are you alright I heard the door open and-" he cut himself off when he saw the redhead. The couple stared at each other, Jotaro had a surprised expression and Kakyoin had a worried one. He felt like what happened the last time was going to happen.

They all just sat there with thick silence. They all just looked at each other before Jotaro ran to him and hugged him tightly. It confused Kakyoin considering how out of character it was but he didn't mind. Of course, he hugged him back. Soon after Jotaro sat down next to the two, questioning what the fuck happened.

Kakyoin was a little hesitant to respond, he sorta wanted to keep it a secret a little bit longer but that was shortly ruined when the two saw a small, tiny, tanned arm reach out and grab Kakyoin's noodle, playing with it.

"Well I wanted to keep it a secret but I guess I can't do that anymore" after he finished the sentence, he turned the thing in the blanket to reveal a small baby that looked exactly like Jotaro.

Jolyne gasp happily and picked him up with of course Kakyoin's help. Jotaro just sat there, watching curiously. "Wow, he even looks like dad. What's his name?" Kakyoin smiled gently, "Jouta. Mrs. Holly helped me name him."

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