I love you

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Okay, I lied about the next chapter being finished later tonight, I didn't expect to finish the chapter so quickly.

Kakyoin shot up. Jotaro was awake. His actions in those few minutes came back to him. He had kissed his best friend while he was awake. There were no words that could describe the fear the redhead was feeling. He knew Jotaro would hate him for this and that he would never want to talk to him again. A lump formed in his throat, and he began to hyperventilate. Jotaro had slowly arisen making Kakyoin flinch. Warm tears emerged from his eyes causing his vision to become blurry. 

Jotaro just stared at him, not with disgust or anger, but with sympathy. Minutes past of them doing nothing. "Nori-" "I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry-!" He was sobbing at this point, "I don't know what came over me, I just wanted a quick kiss-" he instantly regretted what he had just said, "no- I didn't mean that I-" something roughed yet soft touched his lips. It was Jotaro. 

Kakyoin didn't get a chance to kiss him back before the kiss ended. Jotaro pulled back and looked Kakyoin in the eyes, he was still crying. Jotaro wiped Kakyoin's tears with his thumbs, before pulling him into a hug. Kakyoin felt warm and safe in Jotaro arms and Jotaro knew that. 

Kakyoin snuggled into Jotaro's warm chest, making Jotaro jump a bit. This all happened so fast. "Nori…I-" "yes?" Jotaro paused for a minute, trying to think of what to say or how to say it. "I...uh...what's the word…?" Jotaro thought for another minute, "I... love you. Okay, that was pretty bad" Kakyoin giggled and hugged him tighter. "I love you too, JoJo" 

Any little bit of grief or sadness in the atmosphere was gone, happiness filled the air. Jotaro laid down on the futon, with Kakyoin still hugging him. Kakyoin buried his face into Jotaro before falling asleep, Jotaro followed short 


It was early in the morning, Kakyoin and Jotaro were still sleeping; still in the same position as they were before, Kakyoin on Jotaro's chest cuddling him. They didn't think anything of it when they were sleeping, or who were in the house at the time. 

"Jotaro!" Joseph called out, trying to look for his grandson. He, Holly, Avdol, and Polnareff were already awake. Joseph groaned at the lack of response, meaning he'd actually have to look for him. He looked in two rooms and then got tired of it and decided to ask Holly.

Holly at the time was making breakfast for everyone, Avdol helped, they weren't that far into through, they were still on their first dish. Holly grabbed the rice from the cabinet when Joseph approached her. He went behind her, tapping her shoulder, making her scared and having her drop the rice which Avdol caught. "I'll take this Mrs. Kujo" she thanked him and turned around to see who was trying to get her attention, she smiled sweetly after seeing who it was. 

"Oh! Papa, you scared me" Joseph just chuckled, he always enjoyed messing with his daughter. "Anyways, have you seen Jotaro? I need his help with something." Holly paused for a minute and then shook her no. "I'm pretty sure he's still sleeping. You can check his room" Joseph sighed a bit, not really wanting to go in there. "I'll go if you want." Polnareff suddenly barged into the conversation. Joseph nodded and the Frenchman was gone. 

He walked down the halls looking at the rooms trying to find Jotaro's room. All the doors were open except one, that had to be Jotaro's. He cracked the door open to find the couple. The door slammed open and Polnareff screamed at the top of his lungs, "OOOOOOOOOOOOHH JOTARO AND KAKYOIN ARE DATING" Kakyoin looked up slightly not realizing what was happening.

Holly, Joseph, and Avdol came into the room. Joseph laughed, Avdol did his signature awkward cough, and Holly just gasped and made an 'awwww!' sound. Kakyoin finally got it and quickly jumped off Jotaro. The lack of body heat made Jotaro get up as well. He groaned slightly, not wanting to wake up. He sat up and turned his head to the door where he saw the adults. He didn't understand what was happening until, "Oh, Jotaro! You didn't tell me you and Kakyoin were dating!" That's when it hit him. He sighed in anger, realizing that he would never hear the end of it from Joseph and Polnareff. He gritted his teeth and finally got up. 

Kakyoin looked around before he realized it. "Shi-" "what happened?" Kakyoin sighed slightly and looked to the side, "I left some things at my house. I didn't bring them because I didn't think I'd spent the night- or weekend." 

Jotaro thought for a minute, creating an awkward silence before he quietly muttered, "I'll walk you to your house if you'd like." Kakyoin smiled in response before making a 'yay' sound making Jotaro blush a bit. 

Polnareff gave a devilish smile to that scene. "Aww, you're walking your boyfriend to his house, you guys are so cute". That comment earned a glare from Jotaro and a laugh from Kakyoin. 

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