House wife Jotaro

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As soon as Jotaro got his office he felt like punching something. Even though he said that it was fine that Kakyoin wanted to cancel, it really wasn't, not to him. He was beyond pissed. First, his finacé was pregnant and now, this.

Jotaro had a mixture of feelings about his new child. He already had to force time in his schedule for Jolyne and now he has to force even more for this new one. And the fact that Kakyoin didn't tell him until now made him upset. He understands why but it's was just frustrating.

He let out a long angry huff before reaching in his pocket, pulling out a cigarette. He promised Kakyoin that he'd stop but that didn't mean anything at the moment. He shoved it in his mouth and lit it. He brought out his ashtray and started to work.


Kakyoin woke up from his nap to the scent of tobacco. He suspired a little, already knowing what happened. He got up slowly and made his way over to Jotaro's office. He knocked quietly and didn't get an answer. He tried again and got the same result. He sighed once more, he called out Hierophant and used one of its tentacles to go under the door and unlock it.

The first thing he saw was Jotaro sleeping at his desk. He walked over to him. Upon further inspection, he found a bunch, six in total, burned-out cigarettes. The redhead let out a quiet gasp and looked at Jotaro with a disappointed expression.

Kakyoin brought out Hierophant again, the stand wrapped its arms and later than its tentacles, for extra support, around the bigger man and brought him back to their room. It surprised him that Jotaro didn't wake up from that. Kakyoin got back into their bed, falling back asleep next to him.


Jotaro woke up to the sound of Kakyoin practically screaming in pain. The taller man immediately went to the redhead's aid, trying to comfort him, until an idea popped in his head. He got off the bed and went over to the bathroom, Kakyoin tried to get him not to leave but it was no use. He was already gone. After about three minutes the noirette finally came back.

"Nori, this is kinda weird to ask but, um, Imma need you to strip for me."


"Just do it Goddamnit"

Kakyoin did as he was told, begrudgingly. Before he could even do anything else, he was picked up bridal style by Jotaro. He was a little shaken at first but he just excepted it. He was soon brought in a bath filled with warm water.

He almost instant relief when his body touched the water. Once he was fully in the water, Jotaro lightly massaged the redhead's stomach, making Kakyoin jump a little, he relaxed a little after though.

Kakyoin's pain almost completely went away after the massage and bath. He didn't really want to admit it, but he enjoyed being pampered by Jotaro. "Hey, you doing better?" Kakyoin nodded.

Jotaro soon after got a towel and brought him out, wrapping him and placing him on their bed. He turned around for a quick second, "you might want to-" but before he could finish the sentence he heard light snoring, signaling that he was sleep. Jotaro laughed a little, before wrapping a bunch of blankets around him.


Jotaro woke up way before Kakyoin and wanted to help him out a bit more. Considering it was morning, he could make him some food. He figured that trying to help with his food cravings would help him out a lot. He thought back to when his ex-girlfriend was pregnant with Jolyne.

He remembered that giving them something healthy helps a little a bit with stomach cravings so he tried. He ended up not be able to find what he was looking for so he resorted to going to the store.


Kakyoin woke up to find his fiancé gone. He started to panic a little, searching around the house, still not finding him. Kakyoin tried thinking rationally and thought he was just doing something, and just tried to relax. He laid on one of their couches and ended up falling asleep.


When Jotaro came in, he almost made Kakyoin fall out of the sofa. Kakyoin shot up and turned his head towards the sound. Jotaro just chuckled and started setting up. Kakyoin just tilted his head in confusion.

"What's all that?"

"It's to help you with your food cravings."

"But...I like my cravings"

"Well, they're not healthy."

"They're perfectly fine, Jotaro."

The noirette stopped what he was doing and just looked at Kakyoin for about 5 seconds and then went back to setting up. Kakyoin jokingly scoffed, "what is that supposed to mean? They're healthy."

"I don't think eating chocolate with hot sauce on it is normal or healthy."

That seemed to make Kakyoin quiet, which only made Jotaro laugh. He pulled something out of a bag and brought it over to the couch Kakyoin was on. He walked up behind him and placed his palm under, lifting his head up to look at him. Jotaro placed what was in his other hand to Kakyoin lips, popping it in his mouth.

Kakyoin was confused at hell and first until he realized what was in his mouth, a cherry. Kakyoin smiled before eating. Jotaro soon brought the whole bag to Kakyoin, which he gladly accepted.

Kakyoin placed the bag on the table and tried to lay down before he was stopped by Jotaro.

"Hey, don't lay down flat on your back."


"You'll get cramps like that."

That was all it took to get Kakyoin to lay in a different position, Jotaro helped to get him settled. Kakyoin was about to reach for another cherry before he thought of something. "Jotaro, why do you know some much about pregnancy?"

"Are you forgetting that my ex-girlfriend was pregnant?"

"Oh" was the only thing he said before popping another cherry in his mouth, whilst doing his "rero rero" thing.

Thank you to Sinnamon_pancake for suggesting this, I really had fun writing/researching for this, so again thank you. You're seriously the best.

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