Polnareff's Convincing

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After the proposal, Kakyoin, and Jotaro decided to get married after they both graduated. They had planned to tell everyone else about the marriage a little later but Polnareff saw the ring and brought attention to it, causing everyone to find out. That was a moment Kakyoin didn't want to relive. And after what felt like an eternity, they both finally graduated. And after that, the couple moved in together. The problem was, Jotaro was still busy as hell, but Kakyoin didn't mind, as long as he could just be around him.

As much as the two wanted to elope and get it over with, they already knew that that wouldn't be an option, considering Jotaro's family. Not to mention one of their friends (*cOuGh* Polnareff *COugH*) would've annoyed them until they would give it up. So they were having a wedding. Of course, everyone helped out with planning, mostly Caesar. Today was one of the days that they were planning for the wedding. The couple wanted to wait a bit longer for the wedding to happen, currently, they had about a month left till the big event which gave them plenty of time. Joseph, Caesar, and Avdol were helping out Jotaro today with the plans. They thought that it would be a little hard since Kakyoin would be there but later found out that the redhead was going to check up on Holly, giving the men a benefit.

During the last few years, Kakyoin had been visiting Holly a lot more often, because of her age. She was 49 now and she was becoming weaker. Kakyoin wanted to make sure that she was doing okay, it was the least he could do for her. Plus, he wanted to hang out with her, after all, she was extremely nice and it was always peaceful around her. She, of course, enjoyed his company, she too liked hanging out with him. 


Kakyoin finally got to Holly's house. He decided to walk this time rather than drive. It took a lot longer than he had hoped for, but, the walk was nice. Things went per usual. As soon as Kakyoin knocked and Holly greeted him by hugging him and kissing the top of his head. They're normal routine. Things didn't become abnormal until Polnareff called Kakyoin. The ring of the phone scared the redhead but later calmed down after realizing it was only Polnareff. 

"Hey Pol-"


"What?" Kakyoin couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the Frenchman's tone

"Avdol isn't here so I don't have anyone to annoy...I'M BORED" 

Kakyoin sighed, he turned to the honey hair colored woman, covering his phone with his hand. "Mrs. Holly, if it isn't too much trouble, could Polnareff come over? He's really lonely at the moment and I figured we could keep him company." Holly smiled before nodded. 

"Alright, I'm with Mrs. Holly at the moment, but she said it was okay if you wanted to come over" 

Polnareff gasped before rustling sounds were made and he hung up. Moments later there a loud knock at the door, unsurprisingly it was Polnareff. She hugged him and they went back on to the living room.

They all talked for a while, catching up. The conversation ended up going to Avdol, obviously, Polnareff brought it up.

"He just left without telling me, and it's been hours, and he isn't responding to me" Polnareff huffed, crossing his arms slightly.

Kakyoin chuckled again, "he didn't tell you? He's helping Mr. Joestar, Mr. Zeppeli-Joestar, and Jotaro plan for the wedding you guys are forcing me to have" Kakyoin's tone sounding a bit annoyed, the other two caught on

It was silent for a bit, Polnareff was going to make a stupid comment until Holly said something first, "Nori, Tesoro, no one is forcing you to do anything. If you really want to elope with Jotaro go ahead. If you're really not comfort-"

"No, no! It's okay I was only joking-"

"Woah, Mrs. Holly, when did you know how to speak Italian?"

Holly giggled a bit, "my mother taught me when I was young, after all, she was Italia-"

"You're Italian?!" Kakyoin and Polnareff said in unison. Making Holly laugh again, she nodded. "Mr. Caesar also taught me when I was a bit older and could grasp it better."

The two men were dumbfounded. They for some reason never realized that she was part Italian. "So wait, your mom and stepdad are both Italian? Does Mr. Joestar have a thing for-" the Frenchman was cut off by Kakyoin nudging his elbow into his shoulder, signaling for him to stop, Polnareff did what he was told.

Holly sorta caught on and shrugged. Kakyoin coughed, "but, yeah, that's where Avdol has been for the past few hours." Polnareff was about to say something until he suddenly stopped. An idea came to his head. His lips formed into a smirk. He turned to Kakyoin with a mischievous look on his face.

"Hey, speaking of your wedding, I have an idea"

"Sweet Jesus...I'm scared to ask what it is-..."

"Why don't you wear a dress to the wedding"

Holly gasped, before clasping her hands, "you'd look so cute in a dress! I think you should!"

Kakyoin just stood there, trying to process what he just heard. It took him a good 3 minutes to finally realized what had been said, "hell no! I'd look ugly in a dress, there would be a shit ton of problems with that."

Polnareff whined, "like what?"

Kakyoin sighed, "like, my chest is too flat to make the dress like semi-decent. I have a huge waist, which wouldn't be flattering and-"

"Well, you do have a point, but let me stop you before you finish. Mrs. Holly's right, you'd look nice in a dress if we fixed those problems. And when there's a problem, there's a solution!"

Kakyoin laughed sarcastically, "good luck with that-"

"You could always buy a corset!" Holly beamed in

Kakyoin almost chocked at that suggestion, "what-" was the only thing he could muster before Polnareff cut him off with a loud, "ohh!" Kakyoin only groaned.

"There is no fucking way-"


Kakyoin hated everything about this moment. Polnareff had actually convinced him to buy a corset. Currently, he, Holly, and Polnareff were on their way to the airport. To get the corset they were gonna go to America, specifically New York. They had the best shops over there and they figured that it would be the best option.

Holly was driving there, Polnareff being next to her staring out the window, and Kakyoin was in the back hating life. Polnareff suddenly jumped, "shit!" Those words scared the other two people in the car, they thought something was seriously wrong, and to an extent it was. Polnareff turned to the two.

"Did you guys tell ANYONE that we were leaving?"

That's when it hit them. They hadn't told anyone their plan. They couldn't just call considering Polnareff's phone was dead and Holly's and Kakyoin's didn't have service at the moment. The two shook their heads.

Polnareff let out a loud exhale.

"Welp...we're fucked."

"Indeed." The other two people in the car agreed.

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