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You all made your way back to the tardis after a long day. The doctor was smiling the whole way but Yaz hadn't spoken to her inorging every conversation the doctor had with Ryan.

Missy grabbed you back before entering.
"Hey Y/N, I was thinking... we never had that .. chat." She looked at you expectingly before turning her attention away.

You felt a little shocked laughing a bit as you hear her say that not really expecting her to remember. Of course you knew what you were going to tell her.

You decided to play dumb, "what do you mean?" You smile a sweetly at her as She takes a moment to look back at you in a shocked smile. 

"I was talking about our little chat but I can tell other things are on your mind." She looks away frowning a little.

"Did I upset you?" You say as you take her hands in hers and attentively pay attention to missy's body language which at this point facing away from you.

"No. I'm fine." She said with a cautious laugh. You sighed.

"No your not?" You correct her lifting her chin up so she would look at you.

Missy sighs. "It's just never in my life have I meet someone so exhilarating, caring and just beautiful. It's so easy to pretend I don't care.. I just.." Missy stopped as she exhales like she's gotten something big off her chest. 

You smile gesturing her to continue.

"Although, I've never pretended  that with you. You're different. You've helped me grow, saved my life countless times, cared for me when nobody else did. You care. I care. I really appreciate that Y/N helping me change. Just since i met you I just knew you were different." Missy says as she looks deeply into your eyes.

Your eyes shift in embarrassment as she looks at you with her piercing blue eyes. You feel her hand leave yours and cup your face gently. She smiles and flutters her eyes as you focus on her.

"Y/n I'm sorry, You don't have to say anything.." Missy said softly. You mouth opens but instantly close as she was right. You were in shock.

Missy leans in and ever so gently plants a soft kiss, a peck, on your lips. You stay completely still as she pulls away. She looks at you with her gorgeous blue eyes in worry with what she had just done. You are now beyond shocked. This was definitely different she had expressed her feelings and you just stood there not speaking a word.

The long pause between the kiss and the stunned look on your face makes Missy look back at the scenery embarrassed. She takes a deep breathe.

"oh god I knew I shouldn't have done that. I just can't stop doing it what's wrong with me?" Missy says in a flourish. At this point you knew She can't look at you.

"Why is it that every time I try to do something I think is right I immediately fuck it up right after!" Missy panics punching the tardis.

Missy still hasn't looked at you. You're still shocked. Missy lets out a short breath of panic and goes to open the door but you grab her by the hand and stop her.

"Missy!" You say assertively finding your voice. She looks at you straight in the eyes this time. But of course Another pause between you two occurs. It's different this time is. You're no longer shocked at her words and Missy is no longer panicking at what she said and did.

You take her hand again as you bring her closer. Her whole body is now facing you rather than away from you.

You and her have now locked eyes indefinitely. You knew that you would never look away.

You let go of her hand and bring your hand up to her cheek. You move in slowly watching her gaze at your lips.

Tenderly you kiss Missy back on the lips. This time is was longer, you hoped that told her everything.

After a few seconds pass Missy pulls back breathlessly but rests her forehead upon yours closing her eyes.

"I can't lose you" she whispers slightly snapping your eyes open as you watched her.

You finally both entered the tardis the doctor looked at you. She got closer and you got anxious.

"I'm sorry" she muttered.

"Wh-at wait what is happening" you were shocked.

Missy entwined your hands together that cause the doctor to glare but she softened her gaze and turned away.

You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding as you watched the doctor prance around the console. Her nose looked better as she pushed random buttons.

Missy gave you a small smile before closing the door and pulling you in to the room.

"So who's up for the coronation of Elizabeth?" The doctor spoke clapping her hands together. Everyone smiled but Yaz who looked down avoiding the doctors gaze.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now