The master

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You screamed waking up from the same nightmares of the woman. Was it possible the doctor was right and that you had 7 years of your life trapped with a psychopath who destroyed your memories of it even happening and making you have the same face so she could track you down and kill you. You knew it was true but dismissed it as you didn't want to hurt anymore.

"What's wrong, love?" She asked sweetly cupping your face. You smiled remembering the night before; you admitting your feelings and actually getting the girl. You knew missy was far more important than anyone you had dated, you didn't want this to end.

"Hey miss.. whoa and y/n too!" Yaz exclaimed covering her eyes and giggling like an excited child.

"Ugh cut it out, we cuddled. Humans are so gross" Missy grumbled causing Yaz to stifle a laugh and close  the door. You rolled your eyes she was probably on her way to tell everyone where you spent your night. Well you wouldn't be hearing the last of this you thought.

"Hey" you slapped missy's arm jokingly pouting at her choice of words.

"Ah but you my dear are a hybrid so your only half gross" she teased getting up. Her hair was different from what you had normally seen, it was down but it was still extremely hot to you. You hadn't noticed that both of you fell asleep in your clothes you wore the night before. You couldn't reply because her button on her dress was one down and her chest was on perfect display. You felt like you were drooling. "Like what you see?" She teased further pulling her collar down so your eyes could access more of her chest. She slapped on her signature smirk making her way over to you slowly.

"I wasn't.. staring" you stuttered looking away in embarrassment.

"Sure you wasn't, dear" she mocked.

There was another soft knock on the door which missy opened with a sigh. You just breathed in relief watching the doctor wonder in. "We're going on a adventure, you coming?" She smiled completely ignoring missy and watching you with Curiosity.

"Yeah on our way." You mumbled running your fingers through your locks, Missing her glare at missy.

"Well come on then!" She exclaimed Leading the way back to the console.

When you arrived there was a echo of laughter from Ryan and Yaz who watched you roll in with missy and of course the doctor who didn't look so pleased.

"Yaz!" You warned jokily.

"Nice night? Your glowing!" She feel into a roar of laughter.

The doctor stood there unimpressed crossing her arms.

"Anyway where are we doc?" You asked the doctor. She just gave you a small smile which you didn't believe.

"I believe we are in London only a couple years ago but best prices and Yaz here wanted to go shopping." She gestured the the doors. Yaz practically ran out, graham and Ryan in tow. You took missy's hand and tugged her out too. The doctor sighed audibly.

It definitely was London. "Hey doc who was prime mister I can't remember?" Graham asked causing missy to tense up greatly beside you.

The doctor smirked before answering "oh you know I can't remember either. Missy, do you?" You snapped your eyes at the two time lords feeling lost as they shot daggers at each other.

"Doctor why are you doing this?" Missy whispered yelled in the doctors face leaving your hand free.

"Oh you know why a-

You didn't hear the rest, you were pulled by a blue light engulfing around you.

You fell to the floor having teleporting energy run through your body. You definitely weren't in the same place.

"Let me guess y/n song?" Your eyes widened which caused a encouraging smile to slip onto his face.

This was weird how did he know who you were. You were about to move but he moved faster with great speed restraining You. You felt utterly terrified being away from the gang before he punched you that felt like all the air had been knocked out of your body. "Who are you?" You gasped trying to breathe.

A bone-chilling laugh echoed the whole room, you could hear the insanity practically bleeding off the sound of the mad man. He looked familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it.

You looked around trying to catch him in your blurred vision and There he stood, the source of the crazy laughter. "I'm am Your Master." He smirked it was nothing like hers.

You felt the blood dripping out of a deep cut on your cheek that he left from his ring that sliced you from the bone crushing punch. You spat some of the blood at his feet when it became harder to speak and breathe.

he stood in front of you and didn't flinch at the blood that spattered on his shoe, in fact his grin grew wider, he showed his white teeth as he kneeled down in front of. "Y/n. Oh how I've longed to meet you. All your little friends couldn't stop wailing everything about the Doctor's son but it seems neither could I. I must of lost some standards if I chose a pathetic excuse for a time lord" He smiled sweetly, anger laced in his tone as he scanned you.

"Yeah? Well she's not like you. NEVER. I hope you enjoyed there screams because one day your have nightmare. About. Every. Single. One." The Master raised his eyebrow, unimpressed. He stood up sighing before kicking you against the ribs causing you to roll over in pain.

"Hmm." He walked about you in a circle, finally lifting your throat up threateningly as he gripped it harshly. He gazed at your blood stained face. "She was right about handsome" The mad Timelord said, chucking. "I always choose such pretty pets to break."

"I'm not your pet!" You gasped for air when his crushing grip clutches your throat harder.

"Aren't you?" The Master released your throat and watched as you collapsed onto to floor. Your lungs heaving for your precious air. A tear rolled down your face as you wished for missy to take you home.

"You could be destroying universes with me not saving them with her and that doctor. The doctor is corrupting you." He muttered.

You allowed a rasping laugh out of your lungs not believing his words. "You think I want to kill people you are definitely something. You know something though you definitely get some IQ points in the regeneration." That definitely struck a nerve as he struck down on you again.

Within moments the furious mad man hit you once more. He took your throat in one hand lifting you to your wobbly feet. You did your best to see but you couldn't register your head getting smashed against the window. "Oh Y/n." He hummed gently changing his tone rather quickly. "When I'm through with you, you'll either be begging me for more or sobbing for your dear Mistress" you were now pinned against the wall trapped with his front crushed against you as your head ozzed out blood.

Your eyes didn't see him move forward instantly taking his lips in yours.

"Please." The Master whispered seeming more vulnerable than before, his lips were once again on yours. You couldn't refuse him as there was no room to physically escape him. But soon enough he crumbled to the floor and he was replaced with a horrorstricken missy. You took one last breath before collapsing in her arms.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now