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You came round with your head resting somewhere rather comfortable. It looked like the tardis hospital room that you had spend many times in. You couldn't imagine what you looked like but as your eyes opened wider you came face to face with crying sad blue ones. It broke you to see her like that but then again she did this.

You scrambled several feet away on your hands halting yourself up  further into the pillow before turning away.

"Dear?" Missy's frown deepened as you flinched at the name. "Are you alright?" She definitely had nerve.

"Do I look like I'm alright? I mean how would you feel getting beaten by someone you lo- love!" You seethed rather violently crying at the word love. You couldn't bring yourself to look at her but by the sniffles she was crying too.

She nodded sadly. "Why are you so afraid of me, Y/n?"

You finally snapped your eyes at her and scoffed "Why am I- seriously?!" A snarl left you. "You do remember what happened before I blacked out right. YOU DID THIS!"


"YOU DID THIS. YOU DID THIS.  YOU DID THIS" you screamed causing the doctor to rush in and drag out missy with a angry face.

You couldn't hold back the tears feeling the pain rush all over your body from where she hit you.

"Y/n are you alright?" The doctor asked in concern.

You chuckled sitting straighter right face her. "Don't you dare!"

"Y/n?" She asked shocked at your outburst.

You steadily stood up holding on what you could to face her. "Don't you fucking dare. You wanted this. I knew who the prime mister was and guess what you took me right to him. Is that what you wanted me to be FUCKING terrified of missy? But yeah doctor you got what you wanted. I'm going home!" You spat opening the door and suffering all the way to the console where you took yourself home.

"Y/n wait!" The doctor shouted crying. 

"NO! THIS ENDS AND IM NOT COMING BACK!" You screamed closing the door behind you. You had to act quick so you buzzed the tardis away with rivers sonic.

"I didn't know you still kept that sweetie" she smirked but when she finally took in your appearance she frowned.

"Mum!" You practically threw yourself in her arms.

"Y/n. Dear what is wrong?" You still tensed at the word dear. You couldn't keep it in anymore so you cried harshly against her shoulder. "Who did this?" She sighed.

You moved back wiping your tears. "Missy and the doctor" you whispered. She sat you down cupping your hands as you told her everything. She jolted up taking the gun from her hostler "I'm going to kill them both!" She spat in anger.

"No river please!" You shouted pulling her back into the sofa.

"Please mum I don't want that. What I need is a distraction"

"Well" she started pulling her gun back. "Your in luck we've got a archaeology mission, my favourite" she sighed.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now