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"Great just me then" you muttered, rubbing your face in frustration.

"Yeah and us" Ryan shouted from the floor.

"Yeah you too, Ah cockpit need to close this door, agh" you cry out shutting the cockpit door to buy you all time.

"Open panel in floor"! Ryan whispers to himself pulling up a latch.

"What are you doing?" You question, you snatch an information leaflet from his hands.

"Oi I'm saving us here, What does it say next?"

"Connect the cable ". . to your phone. " you follow the next steps "Ah of course doctor!" he strains connecting the cable to his phone.

"Welcome aboard." You hear the doctors voice pop up on the screen.

"You are kidding! How's she doing that?!" Yaz asks in amazement.

"Yaz were crashing to the ground, I don't think we have time for questions" you chuckle.

"I realise you have questions." The doctor smiles gently causing you to shake your head.

"Where are you?!" Ryan asks.

"We're going to die!" Graham monotoned.

"Thanks for the morbid statement" you smirked.

"First of all, you're not going to die. Second of all, don't talk back to the screens. Obviously, I'm a recording and I can't hear you. Third, y/n will keep you all safe, trust me. Also another one don't panic. Especially you, Graham." You smiled at her confidence in you.

"I'm not panicking!" Graham panicked. You rolled your eyes.

"Yes, you were. And I did just say don't talk back to the screens. Eh?! Haven't got long. The bomb in the cockpit knocked out the signals from the computer to the engines. But the computers in this aircraft aren't in the cockpit, they're under the cabin floor. Ryan, the app should have opened."

"What app? Eh? How was this installed on me phone?" He fiddled with his phone pulling up what the doctor asked.

"Use it to communicate with the engines via the aircraft wiring. Im assuming y/n has already closed the door. Cockpit doors are designed to be incredibly robust. Now pay attention. Do this fast. I'm worried you might lose me if there's a power surge."

And of course there's a power surge. "Lost her." Yaz groans.

"Ryan Press the cursor up! We've got to stop this plane from going down!" You order.

"Up, up, up! Too many ups! Level out! Level out!" He grunts holding on as the plane flew up causing you to fall back into a seat.

"You got us level, Ryan. Good lad!" Graham smiles breathing much more steadily.

"Yeah thanks man" you smile.

"I can fly a plane! Can't ride a bike, but I can fly a plane."

"Barton must have programmed in a flight pattern before he left the cockpit. Looks like this app's keying into it but the master wouldn't want us dead" you spoke thinking out loud, causing Yaz to glare at you.

"Why's That because I have a feeling he really did. You and him looked rather cozy then, are you in this too?" She raised her voice at you causing you to smirk.

"You really think I'm in this too because this is too suicidal even for me" you snapped back.

"Well then maybe you just have bad taste in men" she sniggered softening her tone, you let out a small forced chuckle.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now