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"I lov-"

Missy was interrupted by a mass of screaming voices making their way towards the room. You could instantly recognise the doctors voice.

Ryan rushes in inhaling heavily like he ran the whole way here. "Y/n! Sh- she knows, Yaz to-told her!" he stuttered.

Missy looks at you. "Knows what. What's going on, dear?"

"Oh fucking hell!" You yelled getting up and closing the doors, this was going to be a shit show and it was all your fault. "Missy, I'm sorry" you whispered, taking one more look at her because you know you wouldn't be able to look at her again when she would become angry. Missy looked at you with a mix of curiosity and fear as the doctors voice got louder and closer.

"Y/n!" The doctor shouted entering the room causing your whole body to tense. "Why did you do it?" She yelled in your face. 

"Doctor, come on it meant nothing" yaz pleaded, letting her tears pour from her eyes. She tried to stand in between you both but the doctor pushed her away slightly.

"Doc- Doctor it meant nothing I swear" you spoke softly feeling all the emotions rise up at once. "I promise" missy just stood there watching you breathe heavily as your chest tightened.

"You expect me to believe that!" She scoffed. "You knew.. I trusted you but YOU COULDN'T HELP YOURSELF. MAYBE YOU ARE A DALEK BECAUSE YOU ARE NO SON OF MINE!" She screamed, her face instantly turning to shock as she registered her words. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean..

You didn't hear the rest because you ran as fast as you could to your room. You slammed the door harshly behind you before fumbling with the lock. You hands were shaking dramatically, you throat felt small as your breathes became shorter. The room started to spin.

"Y/N! Please, I'm so sorry!" The doctor spoke which to you sounded more like white noise. There was a repeated bang on your door as she pleaded some more. There was more shouting as missy approached the doctor in anger asking her what was happening.

"I c-can't b-breathe, doc- Doctor" you sighed, the world going darker.

"Y/n let me in. Missy quick!" Missy kicked open the door but your eyes had already closed and your body crumbled making its way to the floor. "I gotcha" the doctor whispered catching you in her arms.

When your eyes finally fluttered open, you instantly sighed knowing where you were. "Oh great what now?" You groaned.

"You had a panic attack" the doctor voice startled you causing you to jolt up in fear.

"Doctor I'm sorry I'm so sorry please!" You rambled feeling unsure how she would be with you.

"Let's not talk about that, I'm more worried about you" she exclaimed softly making you settle down.

"I'm fine doctor" you whispered turning your body around so your legs were dangling of the bed.

"Missy isn't" she sighed.

"Oh crap. Missy!" You shouted rushing past the doctor.

"Y/n you need to calm down" the doctor spoke chasing after you.

"No I need missy for Christ sake." You yelled flinging open missy's bedroom door but to your surprise she wasn't there.

"Y/n!" The doctor warned as you rushed around her room looking everywhere for the time lady. She wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Missy!" You screamed, now wandering the corridors making your way up to the control room.

"Y/n your not listening!" The doctor yelled trying to catch up with you.

"Missy!" You yelled again Emerging into the room. "Where are you?"

"Y/n?" Graham asked shocked as you ignored everyone around you.

"I'm looking for missy" you stated like it wasn't already obvious.

"Y/n stop" the doctor spoke holding you still. "She left" the doctors voice was small. You didn't know exactly what to do next but your body fell to the floor in defeat dragging the doctor down too.

You both just sat there. The doctor stared at you whilst your eyes became wet with tears that you wouldn't dare let fall.

"Where?" You asked after moments of silence causing the doctor to scrunch up her face in shock.

"I don't know, y/n. She just needs space it's been a long month for all of us. She'll be back" the doctor held your hands comfortly.

"How do you know that doctor?" You muttered.

"Because she loves you"

"Yeah and I went and fucked that up royally, doctor!" You groaned.

Everyone just stayed silent you didn't even realise that the others were in the room too watching you with sympathy.

"It will be okay, son" Graham spoke giving you a gentle pat on the back.

"I need to find her, yeah I'll find her and explain it was all a mistake and that- fuck, I just really need her, doctor. She's going to hate me for a fucking long time." You exclaimed getting back on your feet.

"You need to be patient, y/n" the doctor spoke softly taking your hands away from the console.

"Yeah I know" you sighed in defeat. "But I don't think I can do this without her" you smiled sadly before taking off to your room.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now