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You didn't notice anything, the doctor flinched more as she accidentally caught your skin, tugging it sightly. "Sorry" she whispered, looking at you desperately to answer. She sighed as you kept your trail of sight forward the same it had been 3 hours ago.

"Is he speaking yet?" River asked re entering the room holding a soft blanket for you. The doctor nods a no slowly helping river lay the blanket over you, pushing you down sightly so your eyes fell towards the ceiling. The movement must have triggered something because next you were mumbling shit under your breath.

"The timeless child. The valeyard. The lone cyberman." You muttered under your breath although the words were picked up on by the doctor who froze.

"What do you know?" She asked urgently.

"Help me, doctor" You voice monotoned, pointing at a scalpel on the medical tray. "If you want him back.... kill me!" You groaned.

"That's not going to happen. Not ever!" She snapped. River however hesitantly took the scalpel and placed it in your hand, closing your fingers around it. "What are you doing, river?" She yelled.

"He needs to do this, doctor. I know what I'm doing, come on" she cried taking the doctors hand in hers and pulling her out of the room so you could be alone. Oh god this was going to hurt.

You struggled to control your moments as you sobbed uncontrollably, pulling the scalpel closer to your skin. You took a sharp intake of air before stabbing it deep within your chest, hitting one of your hearts directly due to your force. You let out a cry removing it and then reinserting it into the second heart. "I love you missy" you cried out, pulling the scalpel out a finally time and dropping it to the floor. "God I hope this fucking works" you groan, trying to get up on your feet. You collapsed instantly, you screamed waiting for the energy to come and it did, the soft light radiated from your hands causing you to sigh in relief.

The doctor and river came back in when your body burnt, the energy bursting out of your palms. Your body became much stronger as the regeneration calmed down, letting the streaming energy turn into little specks of glowing light before nothing. You throw your head back down, your eyes instantly Interlock with your own in the mirror. The doctor goes to check on you as you step back unable to look away from your reflection. You finally ripped your gaze away as they called for you. "See this face, it never fucking changes. I am stuck with this always reminded of who I am and was." You yelled out, looking at the new repaired body but the same outline.

"Y/n?" The doctor called, looking at you desperately, tears rolled down her face as she saw the bloody scalpel on the floor.

You shook your head, almost like it had changed your behaviour. "Yes? Right parents? huh yeah that's it" You smiled sweetly, getting up into your feet.

"You had us scared" river yelled pulling you into a hug. She released you grimacing at her now blood stained clothing.

"I should probably change" you grinned. You acted quickly getting out of the room but not before catching the doctor sigh loudly.

"Clothes. Oooh not that. Definitely not that! Ew what. Christ. Brilliant!" You rambled looking through your wardrobe before landing on a outfit. Your outfit consisted of a clash T-shirt, ripped skinny jeans, a black belt and a long black over coat, if only black was an emotion. You pulled your boot laces tight before twirling around in the mirror at your outfit. You ruffled your hair into a messy look, you smiled widely at your new look.

You took of to the console room but stopped in your tracks at the door. You didn't know what to say to anyone and you weren't up for talking about what happened to you especially when your mind was still knitting itself back together. You decided still to go in but with your mouth closed. The doctors sat down on a set of stairs as she looked over to you with a small smile. This caused everyone to follow her gaze especially missy, who's straight lips tugged to a massive smile.

"Wow that healing was fast, what you use doctor?" She asked causing the doctor fidget in her seat.

"Um... missy? I'm not the same- I mean I'm the same me but I am not the same version of that mess you- saw earlier" you stuttered, each word causing her to back away softly.

"Ah okay." She simple said before turning away from you.

Before you could call out to her the tardis beeps. "Oh we've got company, sweetie" river called out, showing the screen wider, there was a tardis following you all.

"Great another time lord that's all we need" you groaned.

"How the hell are they getting in" river called out as a tardis appears in the tardis.

"Oh it's you" the doctor exclaimed looking over at the man who appeared.

"Who's that?" You asked causing them all to look at you in disbelief. Missy stifled a snigger as you walked up to the man checking his features.

"That's you!" Yaz laughed.

"I look like that?" You asked tugging his jacket softly with your fingers.

"Yes" they all groaned softly. You just snorted looking at his outfit.

"And your all coming with me!" He monotoned, his eyes turned black and he held up his arm threateningly. You jumped back avoiding his aim.

"Well I wasn't expecting that" the doctor whispered.

"Mate, you know me, we ain't going nowhere" you let out a low growl.

"I know" he spoke almost robotically, Pulling out a teleport.

"Ah fuck!" You yelled, falling to the ground as the teleport fades. "I'm not fucking ready!" You whispered yelled to yourself.

"Uh guys!" Yaz speaks helping the doctor up. You all turn to where she's looking, your other you on the other side of the bars. "We're in a cell"

"The question Yaz is what do they want with us?" The doctor whispered turning with everyone else to look at you.

"Don't look at me, I don't know him!" You yelled back quietly.

"Well it is you mate" Graham sighs.

"Yeah but it's not, that cant be me, too much energy." You said holding your side tightly to hide your pain.

"Parallel" river simple said, taking readings from the other you, who just stood there almost like he was waiting for orders.

"A parallel universe where the nightmare child lives" you groan at the doctors words.

"In my defence I was left unsupervised" you grinned.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now