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"Right first of let's find Ryan and river. then you will tell me what's going on?" The doctor ordered rushing everyone out of the room.

"River!" You yelled trying to attract her attention. She comes running towards you all with her gun in her hand.

"What the hell have you got in here?" She asks catching her breath.

"A couple of the locals. Dregs. They're always trying to attack. That's why we have shields. This way! the virus that brought the shields down, the Dregs couldn't have done that. Somebody hacked the system." She spoke leading you, missy, River and the doctor outside.

"Hey hold up guys!" Ryan yells running over with a Graham following slowly over.

"Vorm, void panel SE9-13." She orders in her earpiece.

"What is happening right now?" Ryan asks as Graham walks straight into it with a Thud. You try to contain your laughter as he holds his head.

"Cor blimey! Right on me nut! Am I having a stroke or something?"

"It's a fake-cation." You explain, watching the hole in the wall.

"A really good one." The doctor supplements from you.

"What? So none of this is real?" Ryan asks.

"The hotel is, and the pool. But you reach a certain point..." She knocks, you all hear a hollow echo from the wall.

"But doctor, These are usually built in cities so no-one has to travel. This is bigger than that" river frowns scanning the wall.

"Our guests now get off-world holiday for a fraction of the price." She monotoned.

"Yeah mate, If they survive." You mumble. Scratching your arm. You arm was becoming extremely itchy, the skin turned red from your nails as you dug them under your skin.

"You built this somewhere you shouldn't, thinking no-one'd notice if you could only get in and out by teleport. I heard your little chat about O2 levels. That's a completely different environment out there. The native species want you and your guests dead." The doctor rambled on missing your situation. The others were too focused on the doctor to notice you including missy who was reading from rivers device.

"Doctor, you need to see this! They've built a wall all around this hotel. Vilma said it's the first off-world fake-cation." Yaz breathes heavily holding an iPad up to the doctor.

"Done that bit." She whispered back.

"But my Benni is missing." The woman frowns.

"According to this, he's outside the shields." Yaz carry's on, looking towards the hole in the wall that you were inches away from. You leaned on the wall, breathing harshly but tried to remain calm and listen to their conversation.

"You can't just walk outside. There's not enough oxygen. He'd be dead before we reach him." Kane warns.

"He has an oxygen tank." The old woman pushes. You stare at the hole again seeing the deserted planet outside.

"We have to find him. He came here because of you. If there's even the slightest chance of finding him, you need to do it. We'll help." The doctor spoke with more confidence after seeing his position on the planet.

"Get transport. I'll gather everyone in the bar." She smiled forcefully whilst talking to her earpiece.

They all started to wonder off without you but missy stopped reaching out for your hand. "Thanks" you whispered, pulling your ear lobe with the other free hand. She didn't seem to notice but you all made it to the bar anyway. Where kane Chucks you all a arm canister, you release your hand from missy to connect it to yourself.

"You get one O2 canister each. Conserve it. Green is good, orange is bad, red's dead. Oh... The good news, these are smart. In an O2-rich environment, they refill themselves. Outside this dome, the only O2-rich environment on the planet will be inside the truck. Do not exit without my permission. Keep an eye on your readings. They'll change colour if you are running low on oxygen." She ordered showing you all how to use them. You fiddled with the object as your eye sight became blurrier.

"Great cool!" You groaned, finally fitting it to your arm. "Fucking holidays"

"Hey dear, you seem..."

"Harsh? Moody? Unpredictable?" You snapped at missy but it didn't seem to take her back.

"I was going to say a little cray-cray" she smiled softly looking deeply into your eyes.

"Could say that!" You speak through gritted teeth moving out to the vehicle, with her frowning behind you.

"Wait hold up what's wrong, love?" She whispered, pulling your arm back which caused you to scream in pain and rip your arm back from her grasp. "What the fuck is this?" She asks looking at your bleeding arm, there were pieces of skin hanging off from your harsh nails. You didn't even remember doing it.

"Fuck!" You spit looking at the deep cuts.

She goes to reply but the doctor ushers you both of to the vehicle. You hide your arm as you walk on and sit in the corner where no one would talk to you. You avoided missy's gaze as she marched over to you. "You can tell me anything, Fiance" she grinned, trying to keep back her hurt.

"It don't remember doing it missy, I must of got it caught on something" you rubbed your head as a shooting pain rippled through your body causing you to let out a small cry.

"Y/n! What's happening?" She whispered yelled, trying to get you to sit still so you wouldn't attract any attention especially the doctors.

"Missy? Y/n?" River asks causing everyone to look at you all. You groan in pain crashing to the floor trying to shake off the pain. The doctor, missy and river all rush to your side, trying to help you. Your arm shook uncontrollably, as you clutched your hands in tight fists. All you could hear was white noise. You saw them all speak out to you but there was no sound of their screaming. The doctor picks you up supported with river on the other side as they escape from the hatch.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now