Pain and pleasure

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After hours of silence waiting for your death. The Master returned back in the room with you. Your legs shaked below you feet after hours of leaning against the small desk behind you. You knew if you had collapsed it would give him the satisfaction of winning.

And he was far from it.

He grinned before taking two large steps forward, until he was stood directly in front of you. nowhere else for you to look but at his softened gaze. In one smooth move, the Master ripped off the thick gag, cupped your face and gave you a quick kiss on the lips.

At first the You froze. Sure you had been use to this. You had kissed three different masters already, missy being your favourite of course. But you had felt missy in every kiss between you both. Yes he was rougher than missy but you could never deny the force between you both. The master was one entity that you swore to love the moment you met them.

Finally, you kissed him back gently. Taking the kiss as an invitation to get the master to set you free and stop all this madness. the Master smiled into the kiss before licking at your bottom lip, requesting access. You let the Master in being sure to get a taste of him. It felt and tasted just like Missy. You groaned mentally reminding yourself of the hellish woman- that you left alone... on a parallel universe... where you are kissing a different version of her. 

You slowly deepened the kiss. Feeling him push himself against you to the point you where both up right against each other.

But as time went on you were able to feel the Master's hardening cock through his trousers. He pulled away with a wicked smile.

You didn't lie to yourself as you felt yours come along too. You squirmed in your stance feeling your hard on rub against the fabric of your own trousers.

He knelt down taking them off without asking but you weren't going to stop him anyway. He didn't bother to remove the ties from your hand so you were only naked the waist down. He gently led the tip of your cock into his mouth before taking it all completely. It was comforting to see him on his knees rather than trying to kill you.

You spoke to soon, his nails gripped the edge of your thigh causing it to turn purple at his touch. You moaned forgetting about the removal of the gag. His mouth moved in perfect sync of the motion back and forth. He sighed taking it from his mouth and looking up to you with a small smirk. "Master?" You added causing it to grow larger on his face.

before you had time to whine at his quick movements. You had your back towards him as he leaned your front against the cool desk. You could already feel the head of the Master's cock at your entrance.

The Master slowly pushed into you, slipping past the tight ring of muscle and paused as you wined at his size.

It was wonderful feeling though. the Master pushed himself slowly into you each of them letting out a moan of pleasure escape from your dry mouth. The Master started to push a bit further, trying to get you to take it all, he gained speed causing you to grunt at the pain and pleasure of it all.

You started to feel your own body to move of its own accord against his big cock. You let out a squeal of surprise as the Master caught your own cock in his hand the motion causing more loud moans to escape your lips.

The Master was set over the edge filling you up with his cum. He still went until he heard the last soft moans from you. Your self squirting against the wooden desk.

He carried on Surprising you as he let the ties fall from your wrist. "What do you need?" He whispered kissing your shoulder softly.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now