King james

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She hurried you all out of the tardis as you landed. Missy took your hand in yours as you looked around. She applied lipstick popping her lips loudly but looking beautiful nevertheless.

"I'm sure it's somewhere around here." The doctor muttered scanning her surroundings. You chuckled "Come on, Doc, admit it. This ain't the coronation of Elizabeth the First, is it?" She glared slightly at you as you all continued to twirl around people.

"It's like a street party. Ye olde hipster pop-up happening." Ryan laughed.

"The Tardis is being a bit stubborn at exact readings." The doctor spoke. A woman hands You a tankard eying you up and down as she did. You felt missy glare at her because when she met missy's gaze she scurried away. You squeezed her hand somewhat telling her that you were hers.

"So where are we?" Missy spoke watching the Doctor stick her head in the barrel of water to get an apple with her teeth.

"Is this Halloween?" Yaz muttered looking away.

"No. It's Sunday." A little boy interrupted.

"Yeah, but what's the party for?" You spoke joining the conversation.

He looks at you. "We do this every Sunday." You smile softly at him and hand him some change from your pocket that seemed to change when you travelled.

"Oh, Happy Sunday." The doctor spoke with her wet face.

"Northern accent. We must be close to home." Graham whispered.

Everyone's eyes snap as An older man with a white beard rings a hand bell. "Mistress Savage demands your presence. The ceremony will begin."

"Anybody else missing the party vibe all of a sudden?" You mutter following the crowd.

The tone of the doctors voice drops as you follow the trail. "Whatever this is, I need you all to remember the most important thing about dips into the past. Do not interfere with the fundamental fabric of history."

"Even if something's not right?" Yaz spoke still glaring at the doctor.

"Yep. And judging by the vibe here, something is definitely not right." The doctor spoke missing Yaz's tone. You rolled your eyes and chuckled because you definitely knew the doctor wouldnt stick to that.

Yaz sighs loudly and goes up to a girl who is crying as she walks in front of you all. "Are you okay? Can you tell us what's going on here?" Yaz looks back at you as the girl hurries away. You give her a sympathetic smile and shrug.

"Guys, that's Pendle Hill. We're in Lancashire." Graham points as you all gandered around. You watch as posh woman speaks to the crowd assembling all around you from across the river. "People of Bilehurst Cragg, we are forced to meet here once again. Satan stalks this land. We must continue to root him out, and do whatever it takes to save the soul of our village. Let us put the accused to the test."

Your eyes snap to the girl who was crying and screaming. "Granny...!"

"It's a witch trial." The doctor gritted her teeth together.

"But doctor this is historically incorrect. Witches weren't ducked, they were tied up and thrown in to see if they could swim. Or more usually drown." You state, everyone looks at you in disbelief. You shrug and look back to the woman. Missy chuckles slightly beside you. Gosh you were weird but it was always nice to hear missy laugh.

"Old Mother Twiston You stand accused of witchcraft, and shall be tried by my ducking stool, hewn from the mightiest tree on Pendle Hill. If you drown, you are innocent. If you survive, you are a witch, and shall be hanged." Oh shit.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now