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After much remberance of the Doctor, you all opened your eyes. Your own coming to the empty seat beside you where Missy was sat but she was no where to be seen. "Missy?" You asked looking around the group of people falling into their own conversation around you.

"Y/n!" Yaz spoke up earning your attention to which you looked over the aisle to see Yaz boucing incubus up and down in her arms. A frown of disbelief at baby sitting written all over her face. Ryan stands beside her and keeps as straight face, his hands in his puffy coat as he uses his head to gesture towards the door

"I can't believe her sometimes" you groaned softly, taking a look around as the people left going back to the rooms provided in their stay. Sarah Jane and jo being two of them, her small pose of teenagers following suit. "Right Yaz, Ryan I need you to stick with Clyde and rani, Graham with Sarah Jane you must have some boring old stories to tell just don't mention the whole doctor thing yet" he was about to protest but Ryan slapped his shoulder over to the two older women trying to get out of the room quickly to which Graham had to do a slow jog to catch up.

"And what will you do?" Yaz asked placing incubus in your arms, the small boy weighing more than you imagined.

"Find Missy before someone finds out who she is, it's not safe here especially with the doctors companions around, she has a lot of enemies here" you whispered looking around the now empty room. You really hoped the time lady hadn't gone picking any fights. You were about to leave but yazs tugs you arm to stop turning your attention back to her.

"Just be safe okay" she smiled sympathetically giving the small child her finger quickly as a goodbye for now.


She jogged after Ryan who waited patiently by the door. He settled on giving you a soft smile before leaving you alone in the room.

"Right we need to find your mummy" you giggled looking down at incubus' wide eyes. He nuzzled into your chest and let out a soft yawn. You let your eyes fall down to the pushchair but decided against it needing to be able to find the woman quickly.

It didn't take a long to find Missy leaning up against a wall in the corridor, no one else in sight but she didn't look to happy, one hand was occupied by a brown file of some sort, the other slightly covered by her jacket opened up across her stomach. She sighed softly backing her head to rest against the wall, you got closer to her, she didn't seem register your arrival or maybe she just didn't care.

Her hand coming up towards her lips and a small lit cigarette between her fingers. "Missy!" You scowled making your presence known as she chuckles exhaling the nicotine fumes around her in a messy cloud of smoke.

"Don't need your high all mighty speeches right now y/n" she scoffed clutching the file harder in her hand as the other one came up to her lips once more to take a large hit.

"What has gotten into you?" You asked rasing a brow and settling yourself against the wall directly infront of the time lady. Incubus soundly asleep in your arms making himself heavier in your grip.

"You! It's always you" she raised her voice slightly pushing herself from the wall. Stomping her foot on the cigarette butt putting it out under her boot, the small thud causing you to shake slightly as she glared.

"And exactly is that supposed to mean?" When she inorged your question as she rolled her eyes to look away from you. "Tell me!"

"I'm sorry is that a order, yes SIR! Oh I'm so sorry sir I didn't mean to disobey a unit solider!" What how did she get that misunderstanding you thought to yourself, making sure the baby was still asleep. His eyes were still shut but he stirred in his sleep.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now