The office

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You were all in the office at this point and Missy was found waving a finger infront of judy and who you had come to understand a man called slade, his small figure was shadowed under a frustrated missy. She raised her voice again leaning over the table causing the hairs on your arms to brush up against the sleeve of your jacket. "Dan Cooper has vanished and Me and my squad don't think he's the first, not if this is any indicator." She puts the packing slip on Slade's desk with a raised brow as he read the simple word.

"What do you think it means?" He asked clearing his throat. You could tell that the time lady had made them both quite scared and uncomfortable in her presence.

"It's not exactly cryptic." Yaz sniggered, crossing her arms. Hugging her coat closer to her chest in The process, only then you noticed one of the doctors many T-shirt's under the dark red jacket. You could tell that the small human was missing the doctor. You sighed turning back round, mentally reminding yourself to comfort her later.

"Somebody was worried about their own safety, and now we're finding that other people are going missing." Ryan added with a serious tone.

"This is ridiculous, Ryan pass me that pen I'll get them talking!" Missy growled making her hands into fist and slamming them back on the table. Ryan just jumped at his name, eying the lone pen in the pencil holder, he instantly looked at you for help as the time lady let out a growl.

You jumped infront of her taking one of her fist and running your thumb over it softly and gaining her attention, her face softened under your look "Hey hey no! No hurting, let's do it the right way, yeah Missy?"She let out a huff of air and allowed you to take charge, making the others relax under your more gentle tone. "Okay good! So what I feel like Missy was trying to express. Who has access to the printing system for those packing slips?"

He cleared his throat again, straightening up his tie. "Nobody. They're auto-generated during the order process. But they're placed in boxes by the workers in Fulfilment. Your section." He waved a finger at Missy who glared at him making him return his hand to his side instantly.

"Have you tried working down there? There's no time to add stuff to slips. This was done somewhere else before it gets to Fulfilment." Ryan added before Missy could speak up and cause more of a mess.

"Something is very wrong here at Kerblam. And if you two don't do something about it, I might start to suspect that you're responsible." You added, keeping a firm eye on Missy picking at her nails. She seemed to roll her eyes, she never seemed to have fun without physical hurting someone.

"We'll look into it. You have my word." Judy forced a smile and picked up her clipboard.

"Those words better be worth something. And if anything happens to us, or our new friends, or anyone else here, you'll have HER to answer to." You took back the packing slip, watching as the others all turn to leave, only Missy gives them a neck cutting gesture and a firm glare before finding her pace after Yaz out of the office followed you.

Ryan walks in front of you all with Yaz at his side, but his gaze was at Missy as he asked her a question but keeping his voice low to avoid anyone overhearing. "What ever happened to being under cover?"

"That was before I knew people were disappearing. I'm stepping it up a gear, going straight to the top cutting to the chase you see, am saving us actual minutes, for God sake the doctor only goes swanning about, we wouldn't be anywhere with her here!" Missy answered taking a close inspection of a wall, Smacking her lips together into a smirk. 

Yaz groaned crossing her arms once again. "I bet you were the sort of kid who liked poking a stick in the wasps' nest, just to see what happened." She said in a low tone.

"Yes they sting! But they had never met me and trust me I sting back harder. Now, ever hidden in a panelled alcove?" Missy span on her heels facing you all with a smile as the panel came loose and a small room was hidden behind it. You smirked you loved how cleaver the time lady was. She took your hand to pull you in behind her and ushered the others to follow suit causing you all to squeeze beside on another.

"Why are we doing this, exactly?" Ryan grunted trying time get comfortable beside Yaz who was pressed up against the wall.

"Easy! We wait until Slade leaves, then we break back in to his office, obviously, seriously you lot are becoming really dull, y/n fancy getting a wee puppy, I hear they are easier to train?" Missy chuckled, going to stick her hands into her jacket but she frowned forgeting the jacket where else leaving her arms out in the small chill in the room.

"Missy knock it off, be nice, their helping are they not?" You asked, sighing looking at the small gaps of light entering the room, landing carefully on the time lady's delicate features.

Missy let out a low growl in response and you took that as some agreement to your question as she quieted down.

You soon remembered something important causing you to push up further against Missy's back with your front making her instantly wiggle at the contact, you couldn't see her smirk but it seemed Yaz did.

Yaz raised her brow. "Your not seriously getting into all that?" She whispered yelled in disbelief.

"No no calm down yasmin, just taking my injection" you answered shaking your head at her suggestion. Missy shrugged but sank further into your touch nevertheless making it harder for you to take the injection up to your wrist and not just because she had some effect on you.

Ryan shuffled in his place obviously not comfortable in the small space. "Do you have to do that? Is quite small and with all the moving?" He whispered softly keeping a gentle eye on Missy who smiles wider.

"Yes, won't be a mo and trust me, being squished in here with two murdering psychopaths is worse than one!" You answered taking the medicine into your arm with a small wince from yourself. Yaz just laughed watching Missy turn to face you and smack the arm which you had just injected in response to your reply. You yelped putting its empty syringe into your pocket and taking of your jacket to pass to the woman who you could see start to Shiver under the breeze. She pouted she said something from under her breath but it was too quiet for even your superhearing to pick up- you chuckled slightly knowing that it couldn't have been a apology because you knew full well that didn't come easy with the woman.

you wrap the jacket around her small frame and tug it close infront of her making sure that she was completely engulfed by its warmth. She smiled in response placing her warm lips against your forehead, leaving a small kiss and a smudge of her lipstick there. Her forehead came to yours and she sighed softly closing her eyes taking your fingers into hers as you all waited for the office to empty.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now