Food poisoning

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"Sooo" you dragged out, looking at missy almost like you wanted her to fill in the gaps but she wasn't looking at you. "We gunnu talk about the memory wiping or?" You whispered.

"Oh that was nothing dear" she smiled.

"Oh was it not because I remember you leaving in the middle of the night to go to gallifrey, you know to me that isn't nothing!" You added getting up frustratedly. You span your body round so you were facing her, your legs hovering above the floor as they hung off the bed. You sat with your hand still interlocked with hers.

"It was nothing!" She sighed. "Just drop it" You could see she was distraught so you sighed letting it go, you put your hands up surrendering jokingly.

"So where's the doctor going then?" You smirked knowing that it definitely wasn't nighttime which isn't even a thing on the tardis but you knew she wanted you to rest, how could you? When you could be out their seeing beautiful places.

"Whatever do you mean, dear?" She smiled shyly.

"Well I know you TWO are hiding it from me!" You giggled racing out the door, you didn't feel too bad but the running definitely wasn't helping. Your chest felt like it was on fire but you wouldn't ever admit that to missy or the doctor Cos you weren't up for spending more time on bed rest.

"You should really rest, love" missy called out after you. You made a turning into your room before searching the drawers for something Decent to wear.

"Ah there your are" you smirked looking at missy supporting herself on the door as she breathed heavily. "Does this look nice?" You grinned changing your clothes, you threw on your jacket for good measures because you had no idea where the doctor landed.

"You shouldn't be doing this" she sighed softly taking your hand.

"When do you ever follow the rules?" You chuckled dragging her out of the tardis through the console room.

"Since- oh shut up" she exclaimed stepping onto the sand below both of your feet.

"Madagascar. Nice" you smiled at the warm sun on your face. You instantly scanned your surroundings with your gaze which landed on a cross looking doctor in the distant who by the looks of it kneeled down with two other people around another body along the beach.

"Yeah we should see to that" you cringed walking over to them.

The doctors expression didn't seem to bad as they all stared at you and missy walking over. "Hi I'm the Doctor, by the way. This is y/n and missy"

"Aramu and Suki." One of them spoke but you were to busy smiling widely at the doctor which earned you a glare.

"Nice to meet you both. You live here?" The doctor carried on still watching you.

"Work here. That's my lab. We could get him inside and..." she spoke gesturing to the man on the floor which you hadn't even really noticed.

He gasps "Help me."

The doctor crouches back to his level "It's all right. You're safe."

"No. No, I'm not." He croaked out.

"What's your name?" The doctor asked 

"Zach Olson. There was an impact. Our captain tried to raise the sub, but it was too late. It was already inside."

"What was already inside?" You asked eyeing him suspiciously. He moved his arm and you could see white like shards leaving his arm.

"Oh, no." He cried out. Whatever it is, it crackles and is spreading.
"Oh, no! No! No!" It covers his face then he explodes into a shower of dust. You move back with missy as does the doctor.

"What the fuck" you whispered.

"Okay. So with the understanding that was pretty alarming, don't be overly alarmed." The doctor reassured standing up.

"His body just disintegrated." The woman stated. "How is that even possible?"

"I don't know. There's a connection between all these things, I just... Argh, I just can't see it yet." The doctor muttered getting nothing on her sonic. You just stood there unable to formulate a sentence, you had no idea what the hell was going on.

"Hey doc where are the others?" You asked looking around.

"Oh y/n lots going on; birds going haywire in Peru, and active alien tech in Hong Kong. There's also a talking cat in Ontario." The doctor rambled.

"So Peru and Hong Kong then" you whispered to yourself earning a snigger from missy beside you.

"Yeah I should be picking them up now" the doctor still stood still almost out of trace as she thought hard.

"So we should be doing that!" You exclaimed waving your hand infront of her face.

"Yeah great idea" she smiled running through the sand back to the tardis. You sighed following after her. Missy was the last in feeling out of breath which seemed worse than it normally was.

"Hey you okay?" You asked helping her stay upwards.

"Just feeling a little nauseous" she waved her hand dismissively.

"Well maybe I could do a full tardis scan-."

"NO" the doctor interrupted you rushing over.

"And why not?" You asked in confusion watching missy's face go pale.

"I already did looks like she's got food poisoning" the doctor stated running back around the console to fly the tardis.

"Do time lord- sorry ladies even get food poisoning?" You raised a brow helping missy sit down on the steps which became difficult with a reckless driver.

"Yes! Now let's go get Ryan!" The doctor shouted running out the tardis.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now