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"Doctor hold up!" You shouted rushing out the doors, grabbing a black denim jacket on your way out to keep warm.

It was foggy and the doctor was already at the door and greeting Vastra. She was about the close the doors but you made your way in quickly clutching your legs and catching your breath. "Hello again y/n!" Vastra spoke with a nice tone. At least your weren't in trouble.

"What can I do for you doctor?" She asked geasturing you to the study.

"I would like to know about y/n, when he was little"

You internally cringed watching Vastras smile drop. "Well however do you mean doctor?"

"He came here at the age of 7, correct?" The doctor placed herself directly in front of Vastra.

"Well yes" Vastra smiled offering you to sit down. You took it great fully sitting down. 

"So where was he before?" This is when Vastra fell back in her chair and moved her hand up to her face. She sighed before sitting back up properly looking at you and the doctor.

"I don't know all the details doctor but river said he was in grave danger before he came here. Similar to what happend at demons run." She sipped her tea  before carrying on. "River spoke of hiding"

"Hiding from who?" The doctor asked desperately.

"Kovarian" the doctor held her head in her hands and breathed uncontrollably. A image crossed your mind of the woman in the eye patch smirking evilly at you, you felt shivers down your spine.

"Who's that? Doctor what's happening?" You asked trying to figure what the hell was happening shaking away the face.

She finally lifted her head up and smiled hiding the sadness in her eyes. "It will be okay!" She sighed trying to convince you but it wasn't working.

"Vastra!" You mumbled trying to get some answers. She just shook her head.

You sighed loudly. "Is it the eye patch lady?" You asked not being able to get the etched face from you mind. The doctor looks at you in disbelief, chucking sarcastically before falling heavily back against the chair in anger.

"Yes y/n! And I'm so sorry" she explained.

"Why are you sorry, I'm okay." You spoke softly. You were here now and that's all that mattered.

"You don't understand. She's evil. She turned you mother into a psychopath to kill me. She could be the reason you can't change faces." The doctor breathed faster losing her cool.

"Wait what?" Vastra choked out.

"Oh crap" you sighed. You were definitely going to get a lecture now.

"You can't change your face? How is that possible doctor." Vastra spoke completely inorging your swearing which you were used to.

"She must of done something. She bypassed a time lord." She exhaled exhaustedly.

"I kind of like it!" You exclaimed trying to lighten the mood.

"but why did she. Why did she go through all the trouble to keep the face." Vastra asked expectingly.

"Because it makes it easier to find him when he grows up." She whispered but loud enough for you all to hear.

You cough uncontrollably after gasping at her words. So that's why you thought. You were being hunted by the bitch who hurt your mother.

The doctor got up fast helping you breath slowly. She checked you were alright before playing with her pockets.

"What are you doing?" You asked as she pulled out a ring from her pocket. "It will keep you safe almost like a perception filter." She placed it carefully onto your finger. The band itself was very simple with a few scratches across the metal.

"I promise to keep you safe and I never break a promise. Now let's get back to the tardis, Missy's still there and I don't want her leaving us behind." She smiled. You instantly smiled back completely forgetting about the certain brunette.

You left Vastras house in silence as you both made your way back to the tardis.

"Missy were back!" You screamed excited to see the girl. The doctor laughed uncontrollably as missy rushed in looking terrified for your safety as she took you into a tight hug.

"Missy.... I ca- can't breathe." You struggled getting your words out from her grasp.

"Oh sorry, love!" She smiled sweetly letting go. "Where have you been?"

"We went on a walk!" The doctor spoke interrupting you before you could even open your mouth.

"Oh okay!" She was still beaming with curiosity but she seemed to let it go. "What now then?"

"All of time and space, baby!" You spoke forgetting the Doctor was in the room, she bursted into a fit of giggles. Missy inorged her looking at you sweetly as she wrapped her arms around you once more. "Anywhere with you will do, dear" she whispered. You felt the warm breath against your ears which caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach.

"With you" you whispered repeating her words.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now