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You feel the tardis hurl through the vortex as you jolt side to side through corridor. "What the hell!" You shout entering the console room.

"Sorry y/n tracking a dalek" the doctor said watching the monitors "MDZ Research. What was it doing there?"

"Er, they're a weapons research company. The Order of the Custodians claimed that MDZ were buying up any non-terrestrial weaponry on the black market." Mitch spoke causing you to roll your eyes.

"What do you think it got there?" You asked gripping on to the console.

"I dunno. Ah, it's blocking the bio-fix now. I'm going old-school. Tracking CCTV cameras, GPS and number plate tracking.It's shooting out the cameras to stop us tracking it. It's taken out a whole junction box! Right, switching to satellite monitoring. See? Can't get away that easy."

"Where's it going? What's it doing?" Yaz asks panicking.

"If I knew that, I wouldn't be this panicked. We're gonna need some help." The Doctor snatches Yazs  phone to make a call. "Get me Kate Stewart at UNIT. This is a code zero emergency."

You couldn't bear not hearing the other side so you pressed the speaker button. "I don't know what that is, I'm afraid. Which organisation did you say?"

"UNIT. Unified Intelligence Taskforce. This is incredibly urgent. The fate of the entire planet is at stake." The doctor started to panic.

"Checking for you. Oh, I'm so sorry. UNIT operations have been suspended pending review." Oh great not now you thought.

"What? No, it can't have been. UNIT is a fundamentally vital protection for planet Earth against alien invasion." The doctor shaked her head.

Everyone just stood around unsure what to do. "Yes, but when did that last happen?"

"Now! Right now! What happened to it?" The doctor snapped.

"Just checking. All UNIT operations were put on hold following financial disputes and subsequent funding withdrawal by the UK's major international partners."

She looks at you in confusion.

"Brexit!" You state rolling your eyes. She sighed ending the call
"We're on our own."

"Well we've got this" you smiled. Pointing at the monitor it has finished tracking the dalek.

"Great lets go!" She shouted pulling the lever down.

You had no time to react as she was already pulling you through thick grass. "The satellite signals tracked the car to here."

"So Lin's here?" Mitch spoke catching up with you.

"Hey, Doctor." Ryan states pointing over to a body Which The Doctor scans.

"That's all the signs of a Dalek weapon. That's what was at MDZ. It went and found it after all this time."

There's a Big bang from inside the workshop causing Yaz to jump into your embrace.

"You don't have to come." The doctor speaks frowning at yours and yazs situation. You felt weird feeling your body burn at anyone's touch.

Yaz steps out of your way towards the doctor. "We're always with you." She smiled softly offering you a hand.

You take her hand feeling obliged to take it. You all wonder into the workshop river and the doctor in front. There's a consent beep coming from rivers console as she scans the room.


"Listen. Can you hear that?" Yaz whispers nudging you softly.

"Help me." It repeats.

"That's Lin" The Others run to her.

"I need to take a look at you." The doctor speaks in front crouching down to lins level. "Everything's all right, Lin Whatever that thing secretes acted like a plug on her neck once it left, otherwise she'd be dead."

"I'm sorry." She mumbles looking at you all in fear.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. You fought and you won." The doctor reassures her.

"No, listen. It's still here." Lin mumbles holding her head you notice Ryan arming himself with a linkage rod beside you.

"You five, help her stand, get her back to the Tardis. There's supplies there that'll help with the healing." The doctor warns.

"What about you?" Ryan asks pointing the stick around.

"I'm going to find that creature."

Yaz squeezes your hand sightly "You can't do that on your own."

"Always have done. Me and a Dalek, it's personal. Go on, get her safe." The Doctor already had mad  her way through plastic sheeting and onto a low-loader to look around.

The others help lift lin up and exit but you couldn't just leave the doctor to fight alone so you sneaked of following her.

"Exterminate!" You watched as the dalek aim its gun but is stopped as the Sheffield sonic whirrs

Neither the dalek or the doctor had noticed you yet. "Blocking your laser signals, mate. You're not fully in sync yet. So that's what you've been doing. Reconstructing yourself from memory, and remnants, and spare parts." The doctor proudly stated twirling around the dalek.

"I am rebuilt."

"What do you call this look, junkyard chic?" She giggles causes you to snigger a laugh.

The dalek and the doctor turn to look at you which instantly makes you tense at the daleks present.

"Scan completed. Nightmare child."

"A what?" You chuckle jumping up next to the doctor.

"Nightmare child is acquired" it turns to look at the doctor. "You are weak. Humanity is weak."

"Except... I'm not human. Have a scan at me!" The doctor pulls her arms up in front of you keeping you from the daleks aim.

"Who are you? Identify!"

"Oh, mate. I'm the Doctor. Ring any bells?" The doctor smiles but falls as The Sheffield sonic sparks. "Run!"

You run in the direction of the door as the doctor takes evasive action as the Dalek starts firing.

"The Doctor is an enemy of all Daleks! Exterminate! The nightmare child will be proclaimed."

"Yes, I am. You want this planet, you have to come through me. So why don't you make it easy on yourself and leave now? He stays with me!" She grabs your hand harshly.

"Conquest has already started. I have all the information I need."

"What information?" The doctor shouts poking her head out.

"Humanity will surrender. Dalek invasion fleet will be summoned. Total conquest of Earth predicted in 9,376 rels!" The Dalek takes off through the roof, crumbs of the roof sprinkle over you.

"How long is a rel?" The doctor scrunches up her face.

"A second. Come on we haven't got long!" You screamed pulling her along.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now