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You turn around only to see that Clyde is completely replaced by a tall thin floppy-fringed lunatic. The features making it clear that it was in fact the doctor. Only this time it wasn't on a parallel universe. A certain small glow of blue artron energy bursting into thin air. How didn't you spot the possibility. "Sorry, Clyde, but this space is taken. Good. So, gosh. That was different. Hello, everyone." His eyes look around between them all but you and missy as you stood back in the corridor, he raised a brow as his gaze came down to Yaz but was replaced quickly by a small smirk. Was he-? Seriously not the time doctor you mentally slapped yourself watching yazs eyes sparkle and her straight lips tugging up into a smile.

"Who are you? Where's Clyde?" Rani snapped wiggling a finger in his face with a crossed expression at her friends disappearance. He let his eyes trail back over to the teenage girl.

"Come on, Rani, use your brain. Clyde and I swapped places. I'm where he was, he's where I was. Which means, right now, ooo, he's in a lot of trouble." He rambled on looking at his watch and slightly thinking about where he must of been before here. Rose scanned him like her eyes had recognised him but a small saddness Swam in her eyes as they collected the new features from her doctor.

"Doctor?" You asked causing everyone to spin in your direction only to go looking at him with shocked faces as he ran a hand through his hair and then waved shyly.

"Bingo! Ooh don't say that, anyway hello, lots of lovely faces; rose, Donna, Martha, Sarah Jane, jo, rani" He kissed their cheeks as he wondered past quickly, Donna scrunching her face up and smacking his arm. "Careful space boy!"

He stopped at Ryan who just stood still eying him up and down. The doctors face was readable he didn't know who they were so he settled on a small wave. Ruffling incubus hair with his hands, gaining a small chuckle from the young boy.

"People I don't know! I love new people But you! you are interesting, so tell me who you are?"He waved his pointing finger sternly infront of you, trying to read you almost like a book. It was funny to see him try to recognise you but this was way too early for him to know.

"No one." You simply said in almost a whisper.

"She seems to think so." He pointed over to missy who sank further into the corridor on the other side, watching in amusement. "Hmm see I know everyone, everyone knows me, I'm gathering they are travellers but you, you are something more." He gave another look over to the fam who smile softly, Ryan now having the baby in his arms and bopping his nose as he interrupts into giggles.

"I'm telling you doctor I'm I sort this out" you whispered yelled watching the birds enter behind missy who yelps moving from their large wings.

The vultures approach him as the doctor moved sernly over to them as well, everyone following suit but keeping their murmurs quiet. "Ah, yes. The Claw Shansheeth of the 15th Funeral Fleet. I've been looking for you. Have you been telling people I'm dead?"

"I apologise. The death notice was released a little too soon. Though I can rectify this, immediately." The Doctor is transfixed by red energy from the lead Shansheeth's claw. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Doctor. Rest in peace." You were about to interrupt and pull the doctor away.

But Clyde returns And replaces the Doctor. The Shansheen stop their attack in astonishment causing you to tug him away from it. "But I was on a planet."

"Not the time. Run!" You yelled gesturing the whole gang to run out of the corridor. Rose threw her head back in laughter following the large crowd which only made a sea of laughter among you all. I guess they really missed this.

"In here y/n!" Yaz yelled waving her hand for you to follow through into a small bedroom. The others watching as another figure approaches you behind.

"In, in, in." He rushes pushing you into the room with the others.

"I'm sorry, is there a problem?"
A solider calls out as The Doctor enters the room standing at the door infront of you.

"Sorry, I was slamming it" he spins around after slamming the door shut and readjusts his bow tie with a small smile. "Right. Now we need to lock it. Come on, use the sonic lipstick." He ushers Sarah Jane, pulling her arm to bring her from the crowd of people.

"I don't have it on me. Haven't you got the screwdriver?" She speaks quickly still trying to get her breath as rani helps her stand tall.

"They took it." The doctor explains patting his empty pockets. The others are all slightly unsure what to do, worrying about the escape on this one.

"They do sonic lipsticks now." Jo asks.

"We're running out of time. I need you, Sarah, and you, Jo." He takes their hands quickly not bothering to explain anything to the rest of the group, which gives you time to look over to Missy leaning on the unlocked door, her ear up against it. The three are replaced by Clyde leaving rose to open her mouth to protest but shuts it soon after.

"I'm getting spacesick." He comments falling into ranis grasp with a hand coming up to his head.

"I'm sorry, but can I help?" You hear a voice call out from the corridor.

"What now? Stick legs has left us... Again!" Donna yells earning a glare from rose who covers the gingers lips with a finger causing her to pipe down.

"I'm sure he's got a plan" she whispers trying to safe her hope that the doctor would return to her.

"I've got this all wrong" you shook your head.

"What What is it y/n?" Martha asked, she was sat on the edge of the table watching you with curious eyes.

"Well think about it Martha. someone inside UNIT had to fake the DNA results. Shit! Colonel Karim. She's in league with the Shansheeth and we are completely fucked." You trailed of into a whisper.

Rani calls up a schematic of Unit Base Five on a screen causing you all to turn to the screen. You were slightly suprised at the girls intelligence but you could see that's what she got from hanging out with Sarah Jane. "No this isn't it- can't be... oh well that's great! We're slap-bang in the middle of the base. There's got to be a way of getting help."

A klaxon sounds over her words.
"What's happening?"

"Karim's sealed off the entire Funeral Wing. We're trapped." She explained reading of the small screen. Although it seemed like all hope was lost A tiny Groske kicks off the ventilation shaft grill in the room waving his hand to the large group of you.

"Hurry. Follow me"

As they all shuffle through, taking a while due to the large group of companions, it was you left with the baby in your hands and Missy watching the door as she releases her body from it eyeing it. "No" you warned watching her hand come up to the knob to turn.

"Sorry sweetheart never been the one to take orders"

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now