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You both managed to fall asleep next to each other. Missy strirred in her sleep until you feel her leave the bed. You thought nothing of it, trying to get back into a deep sleep.

"Missy" you called out when your heavily eyelids opened and missy was no where to be seen. You rushed out of the bed throwing the cover back onto the sheets. "Missy! Where are you?" you started to panic when she wasn't in the bathroom either. "Doctor!" You screamed running to the console, where the doctor was rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Hey who touched the tardis?" she sighed leaning into the controls.

"Doc! Where's missy?" You asked desperately.

"Whoa calm down y/n. I thought she was with you." She frowned, the tardis let out a whining sound drawing you into the controls. "Missy" she sighed looking where the tardis went. "Oh no"

"What is it come on tell me!" You yelled slightly trying to get a look.

"Gallifrey" she whispered causing you to raise a brow.

"Why would she go there? And where is she now?"

"I don't know but we can technically trace her, Ah come on!" She muttered, pressing and twirling controls.

"Hey can't we use the telepathic Circuit" you mumbled placing it on your head, the Doctor helps you steady the controls against your forehead.

"Okay, just focus on her" she said, the tardis moved indicating that she was somewhere. You threw the machine of your head as the tardis landed, running to the door. "Earth? Why would she be here?" The doctor scanned around looking out for the time lady. But you noticed her straight away, sat on a bench with her umbrella beside her.

"Missy?" You screamed rushing over to her side. She turned around with confused expression as she eyed you up and down.

"Yes dear? Do I know you?" She asked stopping your hearts and drowning them in your stomach.

"Yeah it's me y/n!" You urged out chuckling.

"Sorry love but I don't know you" she stood up ready to leave as the doctor just stood there listening in.

"Missy" the doctor said before missy could escape.

"Ah Doctor, fancy seeing you here" she smirked disregarding your presence. You let your eyes water stepping back into the tardis without looking back. You focused on your breathing as it got shallow. How could she ever possibly forget you.

"Y/n watch out" the doctor warned coming in with missy unconscious in her arms.

"What the fuck did you do?" You yelled at her helping her place her down on the tardis floor.

"Nothing I sent her to sleep, I got her readings."

"Yeah and what do they say doc come one!" You urged.

"She's suffering from memory lost... of you" she frowned.

"Oh that all" you scoffed turning away from the both.

"There's nothing we can do, it seems permanent" she whispered placing a hand on your shoulder.

You shrugged it off spinning around. "Then do it to me" you stated.

"What? Why would you want that?" She muttered, looking at you with curiosity.

"Because I don't want to be the only one who remembers, please doctor... I can't" you started to choke on your tears as you looked at the time lady who forgot everything about you.

"If your sure" she whispered taking out a gadget from the tardis. "Give me your ring, I'll take hers too and I'll have to tell the gang" she asked, you obeyed and passed her the ring missy gave to you.

"I'm ready" you sighed as she placed it in your hand.

"Just press the button and you will forget mis-." You had already pressed the button before the doctor could finish. All the memories with missy flashed through your mind until they disappeared. Once the device stopped you fell onto the floor, dropping it so the doctor could pick it up.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now