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Rivers POV:

The strangers seem to look at me but the familiarity is distant almost unreachable. The boy. He looks like him. The doctor that is but there's more pain behind his orbs, a dark sadness that washes over his features and I couldn't help but get a strong feeling emotionally pulling me towards him like he was important, an instinct to hug him and hold him close.

There's a loud riot from behind the door that seems to shift the awkwardness that was radiating the room towards the situation at hand. "See that's more like it!" The woman exclaimed looking like an excited child at Christmas to the sounds of fighting and screams of the other inmates.

"What's going on out there?" I asked quickly spinning on my heel to face the plain white door I had entered through not expecting to leave empty handed and doctorless.

"don't waste time dawdling get a move on." She shoves me out of the room and drags along the boy who's still zoned out in thought watching me curiously although it doesn't give me a feeling of worry at the young mans wide eyes. He seems to waddle for a moment as if he was in pain, releasing a small hiss from under his breath as he tries to keep up.

"Who are you?" I ask scanning the corridor for any of the cubes, Sighing in relief when my eyes don't meet any. She increases the speed and takes lead, the boy finally found his footing and ran behind her, myself trailing behind them both.

"Not the best time to have this chatter but I've had worse. I'm Missy, this here is Y/n, my sweet" she smiles back at him without the need to watch where she was running even if it meant running into more guards.

"Ah so you are together." I think aloud only to bring the boys attention back to me.

"Can't you tell." She grins coming to a hault as she peers around the corner making sure it was empty before carrying on.

"Will you two shut it." He hissed taking his own look and scanning for an exit.

"He gets a bit snappy sometimes but I'm sure he gets that from his mother." She groans following him out as he walks cautiously down the plain white hall that looked identical to every corridor in the institution.

"Where are you from?"

She seems to consider her words before whispering out two words that even I struggle to even capture. "Time lords." She explained without their point of origin, Gallifrey? Or was it something else with the two.

I stop in my tracks and look between the two who have their backs turned, the boy y/ns breath seems to hitch in his throat. "Time lords? Like the-."

Missy spins around dramatically throwing her hands about obviously annoyed at the mention of my doctor. "The Doctor, yes. Always comes back to them. What about me?!" She rolls her eyes and drops her voice seeming to remember where she was.

"He's alive then?" I ask hopefully, a smile appearing unconsciously on my face at the thought of the Doctor whisking me away to see the stars once again. She takes a look towards my hopeful expression and sighs, deflating it with every breath.

"Ah bad time. I see that now."

"Missy!" Y/n hissed glaring at her like he was communicating even without the use of words but it works, the woman seems to understand his look and drops it scattering her eyes away from his fixed expression.

"If you're time lords, he's not the last." I stated making him roll his eyes as the conversation continues despite his own warning.

"No fortunately he's got us but you know about that, the child of the tardis." She smirks watching my face drop at the mention of my own origin. This Missy woman knew her stuff and that was never a good thing.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now