Vol. 1 - Stand to Attention! Open, the Book of Love

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Floating. Floating away into the abyss. Maybe it was time. Vision slowly deteriorating, the world becoming only but a blur. Hands twitching, reaching out to what they hoped to be something. Maybe it was hope. Maybe it was love. Clutching their hand tightly into a fist, nothing was in sight.

The piercing sound of failure echoed through the darkness, almost as if it would never end. The ground felt cold and ruined with cracks all over, like an earthquake had sprung out from the very core of earth itself. The sky was without light and without a sense of life coming through. The winds crackled through the air breaking the eery silence that followed. It was never a good sign. The silence. The air was crisp and cold, reminiscent of a winters day. But this was different, this wasn't winter. This was the middle of the summer. The days when the sun was supposed to be out and where children's laughter filled the air. But in this summers day, only the sounds of the footsteps, the wicked laughter and the shivering hunch of evil.

Those who once stood tall lay down on the cold dried up floors without any life left in them to even lift their eyes to the oncoming dangers. Get up, a voice had once said. They listened out to hear those words resonate once more, but alas, there was nothing. Help was needed yet help never came. The bizarre feeling of helplessness surrounded the once proud. A hand tried to reach out but as suspected, it couldn't reach. Was it finally time? Time to give up? No. Not yet. Maybe. Should we? Probably. Yes. Yes, we should.

The future seemed bleak, as if all caved in on the least expecting. A miracle was not going to occur now. Faith to believe that the impossible would be possible was no more. All that hard work for nothing, all that joy just for sorrow, all that strength just for weakness. Nothing was going according to plan, nothing ever did. Yes. Those happy memories, those blissful days, the sound of laughter, the looks of joy, they all... must go. So long, farewell. Fly, fly away. To a place. A place where a future may exist.


"Please stand clear of the train tracks"

As the intercom made its announcement, the sound of the incoming train could be heard. People everywhere began to yell excitedly as they hurried to find their friends, hoping to sit in the same carriage. The yelling of goodbyes filled everyone's ears as students began to board the train.

It was the first day of school at Stella d'Oro Academy. A boarding school on its very own island in a wealthy area called Tale Town. The island, named after the town, was Tale Island and the only buildings on it belonged to the academy itself. A prestigious school, a place for the rich, the intelligent or talented. There were three ways of getting a place. You paid yourself in, you passed the extremely difficult entrance exam or you won a scholarship. The most common were the scholarship or you were rich. Only those who were extreme brainiacs actually passed the exam. Every year only a hand full of students passed. One of these students being Yuzuki Agou, a 3rd year high schooler.

Waiting at the station, the wind blew her long strawberry blonde hair back. A picturesque sight to those who saw it. On top of her head was her usual crown braid as she deemed it a very easy hairstyle to do. She wore a pink skirt with a longer light pink transparent outside layer, as well as a white button up top. Holding onto her suitcase, she stepped into the train along with the other students who rushed in.

Over the bridge they went, overlooking the sea. The new, younger students gasped in awe at the beauty of it all. Especially in April where the cherry blossoms bloomed beautifully. As they stepped out of the 5 minute train ride, Yuzuki followed the group to the Female dormitories which were to the east of the school grounds. The Male dormitories, were to the west.

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