Vol. 6 - Happy-Go-Lucky Pleasures

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"Alright everyone, listen up!" Ms Kaga shouted to the class "as you may or may not have heard, we are planning a school excursion to Hokkaido tomorrow. Now, before any of you get excited-"

But it was too late. Her class had already erupted in conversation, talking about how exciting this was going to be. Trying to yell over the class, Ms Kaga shook her head. Watching her, Yuzuki turned to the class conversing amongst themselves. Standing up from her seat, the strawberry blonde student clapped her hands loudly, immediately gaining the attention from her peers.

"Thank you, Agou."

Nodding her head, Yuzuki took her place back in her chair as her classmates finally hushed down.

"As I was saying, don't get too excited. This is a special trip and only 10 students can go."

"What why!?" students yelled

"And out of those 10, only 5 are high school students. The other 5 will be middle schoolers."

"WHAT!" they roared in disbelief "that's not fair!"

"Too bad. In order to get a place, your name will be raffled." their teacher explained

"A raffle! Then it's just pure luck..." students sighed in frustration

"Yes. Then it will be fair. The 5 will be from this class only so if you want to go, I'll be handing out this piece of paper. Write your name onto it and fold it once."

Handing the small slips of paper, each student wrote their name. Although it wasn't that shocking, Ms Kaga was surprised to see that everyone still wanted to go despite it being a raffle. However, she knew it was just to get out of school for once. On the other hand, Yuzuki and Kimi had the same idea in mind. In order to get more inspiration for their club, they needed to explore the outdoors and think outside of the box. Thinking in a confined space wasn't going to help that.

Turning to Ayato, Yuzuki raised a brow to see that he wasn't putting his name in "Ayato."


"Not going?"



"Because I'll miss class, and according to my calendar, I can't miss any class because if I do, I won't be able to get into the college I want to get into. That'll ruin my entire plan for the future." he explained, taking out his calendar from his bag.

Rolling her eyes, she grabbed his calendar and stuffed it into her desk before taking a piece of paper from the teacher. Writing his name into it, she folded it up and put it into the box.


"You always complain that I need to get out more. So you should too. Also, it's a raffle so you don't even know if you'll get picked."

Through gritted teeth he frowned before sticking his tongue out at her "I hate you..."



The mansion was as dark as ever. The cold winds blowing in through the open windows and doors. Each crack letting a small draft in. In the back room, hidden away from any other society, sat the 5 Sensors. Their stress pouring out of them like a high waterfall. They were feeling it now. The urgency to hurry and fill the tank. Their stress meter was reaching an all time high and unfortunately, the practically empty tank was not helping to soothe them.

Like little children, their nervous hands tapped against the table. Determined to think of a new idea to fill up the tank. But as usual, nothing came up. None of them were exactly skilled in the area of filling tanks with energy.

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