Vol. 15 - To Reach the Top, You have to Start from the Bottom

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For the summer holidays the girls never strayed far from Stella d'Oro. They remained near the peaceful Tale Island and although it was a small village, they always found the best things to do. The sun had just come up to say it's greetings earlier than they wished but this didn't stop Kimi from getting up. She greeted the sun just as it greeted her. Sitting up, Kiki and ShiShi were still in their slumber. Riho had somehow managed to put her head on the other side of the bed and Yuzuki looked like she only had a tiny sliver of room on her bed. She was so still Kimi had to do a double take. Just in case.

Opening up her incredibly large dresser, she headed out to choose what she would wear for that day. Unusually, it was pretty empty. Most of her clothes were on the railings and hung neatly but it seemed as though she could fit a lot more clothes in there than what was actually present. After all, that wasn't her actual home. It was her summer house.

The morning daylight had fully covered the house and everyone was now awake earnestly making breakfast. Kiki and ShiShi enjoyed eating sweet bread from the nearby bakery so they ate that almost every day. Riho liked to have a hefty breakfast so she took it upon herself to make the girls breakfast that day.

"You know, I can't believe the summer holidays are almost over. I mean, we have done so many things, I wish we could do more!" Riho exclaimed as she cracked an egg into an intensely heating pan.

"I haven't even done all my summer homework." Kimi groaned,

"I only need to do math." Yuzuki replied from the table. She had been watching Kiki and ShiShi so they wouldn't choke on their breakfast. Kiki was a notorious choker.

"Ah. Math. Me too," Riho replied as she stepped back from hot oil jumping at her. Glancing up, Yuzuki headed to the stove and turned down the heat.

"I failed maths..." Kimi laughed awkwardly "Not my proudest moment but it's maths!"

"I too struggle to maintain a good grade in maths. I would have to study for a year straight without taking any breaks if I wanted to get an A in maths." Yuzuki said as she took over the cooking. Placing the eggs onto a plate, she headed to some leftover sushi which they had the previous night.

"I wonder if we can get tutored in maths for next semester. We're clearly flunking." Riho laughed as she took the sushi Yuzuki was holding and placed them onto a plate.

"I mean, if we don't figure out what we're doing, we will have a terrible future." Kimi sighed.

"It wouldn't be terrible. Just incredibly lacking." Riho replied as she sat down at the table where Kiki and ShiShi were finished eating.

"I don't now what to be..." Riho sighed "There are so many options, I don't want to end up making a bad choice and hating myself in the future."

"True, I hate that we have to quickly decide. I mean, we're not gonna know until we actually become adults right? Thanks for the food!" Kimi said as she took a big bite of the food.

"We need to be adults. We need to test the waters. Know what we're heading in to. We may get taught here and there but like jobs always require, experience needed right?" Riho took a big bite of the sushi "What about you Yuzu? You have any plans for the future?"

"No... I never thought about it..."

"I mean, you do always dwell on your past that you have forgotten about your future." Kimi looked at her and smiled "I always had the vague idea of becoming a model".

The girls watched her as she stood up and began to hold an impromptu fashion walk.

"You definitely have the height" Riho laughed.

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