Vol. 20 - Faith's Return! Wherever You Go, There Will I Always Be

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The Memoria Council dismissed their meeting as Yoshiki eagerly ran out. The other council members looked at one another in bewilderment as he was typically never running home that quickly. He was indeed always quick to leave but never that fast. They questioned what his urgency was. Running straight home, he went to his wife who he embraced deeply.

"Tell me everything dear!"

"Yoshiki, calm down. Sit down first and then I'll tell you." Akari laughed as she placed his coat on the coat hanger.

Yoshiki quickly headed to the kitchen and made himself a hot chocolate and sat in front of his wife.

"What did you discuss in your meeting today honey?" She began

"Political stuff. Anyways, did you meet her?" He leaned towards his wife eagerly "Well?"

"You are so childish" She laughed "You and your hot chocolate."

"Hot chocolate is a staple in this household! Don't be a pooper!" He frowned jokingly.

"Well, I met the girls. They seem very friendly. Also, there's another one."

"Another one? Another Pretty Cure? There's four now?!"

"Yes. Four."

"Wow. I didn't know that to be possible. It seemed as though the magical realm was keeping it to the usual and not just... yeah. Wow."

"Yes. I met Suzuna again. She goes by Agou apparently. And she has a daughter."

"Oh really? A daughter? I didn't know that." He thought.

"Yes, it's Houkago Rakuen's leader. Cure Eden. Yuzuki Agou."

"Yuzuki... Agou?" He tilted his head "As in... the Yuzuki Agou?"

"Yes. That Yuzuki Agou."

"Wait, what? I deemed her familiar but not that familiar... Is it truly?"

"Yes dear. It is her. And she is Suzuna's daughter."

"That's so weird... Thinking about it."

"I am going to go back again later, I need to learn Suzuna's motives."


"What is it dear?"

"Seeing her makes me want to dance."

"Me too dear. Me too. A miracle is falling upon us once again. Our miracle is coming back from the darkness." She hugged him tightly "Light will shine again in this Empire. And those Pretty Cures are the key."

"They are the future of the Empire. We need them now more than ever."

"Our future. Our season is changing." Akari laughed as she hugged him.

"Though our past was overwhelming, what we do now in the present shall fix our future for the better. Akari, let's make sure that the people out there prepare food for more."


Crickets could be heard as night came upon them and two of the girls remained in their rooms, awake. Kimi had decided she needed her beauty nap so she was long asleep. Kiki and ShiShi were left even more confused as they too stayed awake. It seemed as though it was silent, their thoughts were making the quiet room rather loud.

"Yuzuki ~ki" Kiki whispered to her "You awake? ~ki"

"Kiki? What's wrong?"

"Cure Zeal ~ki"

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