Vol. 3 - A Good Worker is a Hard Worker

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"... With the occurrences from these past few years, I hereby decree this rule to be implemented into Memoria Empire. Any objections?" A man bellowed to a room filled with watching eyes.

Each man stared at each other once, their eyes were as though they were speaking to one another. The man at the front of the room sat down as he finished his statement. He wore a intricately designed robe which indicated his leading position. The other men all wore thick shoulder pads and held their pens tightly, waiting to see if there were any rejection.

The room was fairly large and there were a group of around 12 men sitting around a large desk. They sat around in a large tower in the castle which was situated in the middle of Memoria Empire. The town surrounded the castle as though it were it's protection shield and the school sat just at the outskirts of the forest where there was a large lake placed beside it and a large field where the students often played around.

One man in particular stared at the new law placed in his hands. A law where people could no longer help to find their families, a law where they were bound to their homes, where all they could do was pray for a miracle. Miracles come and go but it had been years since a miracle ever came to the Empire that they soon lost faith in themselves. He angrily clenched the page in his hands and stood up.

"By implementing this rule, are we certain the lives of our people will be 100 precent safe?" He called out. He seemed younger than most of the men there as he was the only one in there who was clean shaven.

"It is a prevention cause and a way to stop further happenings Sir. Yoshiki"

"Understood sire however I would like to make a statement if you allow it"

The men stared at one another as they hesitated.


The man stood up "Sir. Ganseki I am... was, the father to two beautiful children, both who have grown up now. My eldest son taught at the school and my daughter attended it. They were what brought me joy and seeing them everyday was a blessing. But now, my miracles, are gone. Speaking from experience, many people are heartbroken by the loss of their families because of what had happened, me being one of them."

"We understand your circumstance but-"

"Please allow me to continue"

He sighed "Proceed."

"My wife and I are heartbroken every single day of our lives because we cannot see their faces in the morning. It has been 2 years and as a council member and a victim to these losses, I have made a promise within myself to help my family and the family of others. They are relying on me to bring back their families. Implementing a rule where the school cannot be entered by ordinary civilians is harsh as we ourselves have done nothing to move forward."

"What are you implying Sir Yoshiki?" A man stood up in retaliation.

"I am saying, we as the government, the council of Memoria Empire, have done nothing to serve our people."

"I beg your pardon? You may not see it Sir. Yoshiki but we have done everything in our power to find those at the school, do you have any proof that we have done nothing?" Ganseki asked him in a serious tone.

"The proof is the empty spot at many people's dinner tables".


"And remember class, student council president votings will occur when you come back so please choose your pick!" Mitsuha Kaga said to the students.

The bell rang alerting all at the school that the day was finally over. Everybody silently cheered as they made it back to their dorm rooms to arrange their journey home. Many students had already booked busses, cabs and trains to head home for Golden Week. The one week where they could spend it with their families and have a good time exploring the country or staying home and eating everything in sight.

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