Vol. 19 - Courageous Courage! Who are You?

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Head pounding, heart racing, Yuzuki could barely get out of bed. Upon returning to their dorm last night, Yuzuki had suddenly collapsed before she even entered the room. Both Kimi and Riho were too shocked to do anything, they had to ask Ms Hisai to come check in on her. That night, for the first time in a long time, Yuzuki received the worst nightmares she had ever seen.

The world was dark, buildings collapsed to the ground, injured people everywhere and shrill screams filled her ears. Looking up to the sky, the sun had disappeared and bubble-like things floated in the air. She wanted to cry for help but her voice wouldn't come out. Her eyes slowly shutting, there was a loud explosion and a cry for help. That same voice, calling out to her. A hand that she failed to reach.

Opening her eyes, Yuzuki was greeted by Ms Hisai, Kimi and Riho who were watching her. That night, she had slept in Kimi's bed as she was unable to climb to the top bunk. Patting her head to check her temperature, Ms Hisai frowned.

"You must stay in bed today, Agou. You're too unwell."

"But class..." she tried to sit up but the pang she felt in her head made her lie down again

"I know you're obsessed with class and hate being absent but this is the sickest I've ever seen you!" Kimi tucked the blanket back up to her neck "just stay in bed, okay?"

"I'll write you a note." Ms Hisai said with a warm smile "now you two better head off to the canteen for breakfast. I'll provide Yuzuki a special breakfast in bed today."

Nodding, Kimi and Riho walked out of the room. Both clearly worried for Yuzuki. They knew she had been struggling with nightmares but never knew it was so bad that it made her sick. There was definitely a lot more going on than they thought.

As Ms Hisai walked out, Yuzuki stared up at the ceiling. Kiki and ShiShi both tucked themselves comfortably into Yuzuki's arms. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't go back to sleep. Her mind was whirling with thoughts. Who was the figure? Miss Bell's purpose? Will she help or will she not?

Having breakfast in bed was a first. Ms Hisai had given her some porridge, a glass of water and an apple. While it seemed small, Yuzuki could only eat small portions. Her head hurt too much to stay up for long. The school nurse had also come in to check her temperature and deemed it was better for her to stay in bed the whole day. It was unfortunate news for her as she hated lying in bed doing absolutely nothing. She wanted to get up and move, but she was restricted by the confinements of the bed.

Throughout the day, the nurse and the dorm mother continued to check in on her. Kiki and ShiShi both trying to cheer her up. While it was true that she hated missing class, it was the fact she couldn't get out that bothered her more. There was so much questions that needed answers and lying in bed wasn't going to provide them for her. Every now and then, Yuzuki would get up to walk around the room. Hoping that moving around would cease the headaches.

What was wrong with her? She never knew herself to be weak like this. There had been many days where she would stay up for more than 24 hours, only having a glass of water to drink and she still was never this sick. Sighing to herself, she hugged Kiki who stared at her in worry. Ever since she had become a Pretty Cure, she felt like her body was going into a slow decline. Not only that, but she was giving herself another headache from thinking too much.

Later that day, Kimi and Riho returned as quickly as they could. Staring at the clock, Yuzuki raised a brow.

"Don't you have club activities?"

"We closed the club for today, there was also no appointments so we figured it would be okay. We were way too worried about you." Riho said with a smile as she hugged her tight

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