Vol. 5 - Cadenza's Perfect Cadence

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Dozing off into a parallel world of her own, Yuzuki tapped her pen on the desk as she stared at the math equations on the page. Every single symbol, number and random math letters bouncing right at her, all jumping into different places at the same time. Not understanding a word and her brain unable to comprehend anything she was reading, she closed her eyes before opening them up again to stare at the ceiling. Taking in deep breaths, she inhaled and exhaled. Almost as if reminding herself how to breath. Reminding herself the basics every human should be able to do since birth. In fact, it was one of the first things a baby learns. Yet, this was a difficult task in itself. Eventually, her mind began to wander. Wander far far away into a world she didn't know.

Instantly falling into a deep sleep, the world around her was filled with nothing but darkness. Nothing to be seen but a small hint of light in the distance. Following that one spec of light, she felt her heavy legs try to reach it but to no avail. Every step was painful and every move heavier than the last. There was no time to rest so she soon found herself reaching the light after a long time of struggling but what she was expecting to see was not there. Instead, she found a place of destruction, chaos and... bubbles. Bubbles everywhere. The tight compact bubble that no matter how many times she poked it, it would never pop. The suffocating feeling that made it feel like her very insides were being squeezed. Losing her breath, she tried to find it again only to find the floor beneath her collapse and crumble. Falling deeper and deeper into a dark hole. Her screams reaching no one. Not even herself.

"Yuzuki! Wakey wakey! Yu-zu-ki!! ~ki"

"Agh!" jerking awake, she stared at Kiki who had poked her on the head with the pen

"Are you okay? ~ki" her bright big eyes, drooping in worry

"Yeah... it seems like it anyway, I guess..."

"What happened?" Kimi wondered as she sat beside her "this is happening a lot lately"


"You screaming when you fall asleep."

"Almost like you're in pain ~ki"

"I don't know why I get them... nightmares just appear and suddenly I'm falling and I can't get out. Nobody is around and no one can hear me..."

A soft smile appearing on Kimi's face, she patted her on the back before settling comfortably into her seat. Something inside her wanted to give Yuzuki advice but she still had a lot to learn before giving advice to others. Going against her own judgement of her skills, after a momentary pause she finally spoke.

"I understand..."

Raising a brow, Yuzuki turned to Kimi while Kiki settled into her arms like a small baby.

"I wasn't the most popular as a kid, you know? Often times, I was the runt. The one nobody wanted and made fun of. Over time, I began to wonder if my life had any purpose. I hated being... Kimi." picking up a nail polish on the desk, she opened it up "they made fun of my appearance and how I behaved. I never fit in and I hated myself. And hate is a strong word, especially for a then 8 year old."


"I didn't fit the mold. I didn't have the beautiful body proportions every one had, I had an ugly hair cut and protruding teeth so I had to get braces too. Just when I thought I couldn't do with the bullying anymore, I made a friend. Runa saw things I never did and while she's not that smart, she taught me things I never thought about before. So then, one summer, I decided I would have enough. Because I was thin, tall and scrawny, I ate a lot. I gained as much weight as I could. My mom gladly brought me to the hairdressers and I also had my braces removed. I decided that I was not going to let anybody bring me down, even myself."

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