Vol. 2 - Beauty Comes from the Heart

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Tick tock tick tock. Kimi continued to stare at the clock on the wall as the hands slowly turned. It almost felt like she was wasting time just lingering there but the truth was, she simply didn't want to get out of bed. Yuzuki had already gotten up to take a shower so Kimi was alone in the dorm room, as if waiting for something to happen. Nothing really did, so she found herself eventually getting out. Gently sliding out of the bed, she tucked in her pillows and rearranged her duvet before heading to her closet. When a school requires a uniform, there really isn't much to think about when it comes to clothing. Just as long as the shirt is ironed and they're clean, not much thought was put into it. That's what one would think anyway. Kimi was different. Everyday was a fashion show, and no matter what she was wearing, it had to be worn in style. Brushing her hair, she miraculously found time to curl it and even put make up on. By the time Yuzuki had returned, Kimi had already completed getting ready. At Stella d'Oro, classes began at 8:30 but breakfast was at 7:15am. This included a role call in the morning that required every student to be out and dressed by 7:10am. The two were never known to be late, and they were never going to be. That's just how they were.

Heading out of their dorm room, the two girls walked downstairs to the canteen. From a distance, you could already hear the chaos that was happening on the inside before you even got there. Students piled in and out, girls still brushing their hair and boys with one shoe on and the other off. It was a typical morning, and there was never a day where chaos didn't arise.

Walking down the halls of the school, Kimi could feel eyes stare at her as she made her way to her class. With every step she made, her purple hair swayed along with her. Her skirt swishing around her, her shoes tapping in sync. Tucking a stray hair strand behind her ear, she smiled at a couple of students before walking away. Reaching her class, she took a seat and waited patiently for the teacher to arrive. A couple rows ahead of her, Kimi could see the strawberry blonde headed lady already reading ahead. How typical of Yuzuki.

Finally, their home room teacher arrived. Students immediately sitting up straight and turning to her attention she nodded at Yuzuki who stood up.

"Stand to attention."

Immediately getting up from their seats, students stood as they waited for the next order to be called out.

"Bow." All bending their heads down "good morning"

"Good morning, you may sit."

Settling back down into their seats, they waited for their name to be called on the roll. Looking around, it was clear to see that everyone was present but the roll still needed to be done anyways.

"Alright next, Ayato Yamamori?"


"Riho Oshinoyama?"


"And finally, Kimi Seishima?"


"Great. Everyone is here. Alright, the chaos of the first couple of weeks has finally subdued and since you are all in your final year, you are expected to do your best. There is no time for dawdling and playing around. What you decide to do this year will be the key to your future and the path that you will take. No matter what road that is. So even though we would like you to do your best in your studies at all cost, please take care of yourself in the process. Make time for friends, family and yourselves. Join clubs, find new hobbies, make new friends- do whatever it takes to make this the best year of your life because it won't come again."

"Yes miss" they echoed with determination.

For the first time since school began, reality was slowly hitting the 3rd year students. Their final year. Their last chance to make it up and do their best. Many say that high school was the best time of their life and so the best time of their life they will make it. There was no time to play around because once this school year ended, they were seen as adults. Graduation was still a little while away but it was coming nonetheless.

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